Dru Leeds Yoga & Health Day Summer Event 2017

Sorry Registration for this event ended on 30th Jul 2017, 21:00
 Registration is closed for this event
Take charge of your health! Enjoy a day of practical and empowering workshops and fascinating presentations. Meditation, yoga, ayurveda, relaxation, new Dru Yoga sequences. Take your pick..

Take charge of your health! Enjoy a day of practical and empowering workshops delivered by brilliant experienced presenters.

We are delighted to invite you to join us for a celebration that will stimulate, engage, nurture, entertain and uplift all at once! Whatever your background, whether you are a yoga teacher, student, therapist or brand new to a holistic lifestyle, you will find something to enrich and deepen your health and wellbeing. The day will include plenary sessions, and a number of workshops to choose from. In addition, enjoy a musical evening to complete the experience for you.


  • Ayurveda for total health
    includes many practical tips to stay healthy.
  • Mudras for Inner Balance
    subtle energy work to help heal body mind and emotions
  • Revolutionary approach for relieving back pain
    new ways forward for employers, therapists and people with back pain
  • Pranayama, meditation & chi gong
    breathing as the bridge to total health and gentle/powerful movement
  • Dynamic yoga for vitality
    work out with Sun Sautation and feel totally vibrant
  • Re-charge your chakras
    movement and visualisation

Also featuring:

  • Celebratory evening concert for peace
  • Cookbook launch with international food writer Keith Squires
30th Jul 2017 from 09:30 to 21:00
Mercure Leeds Parkway Hotel,
Leeds Road
Bramhope -Leeds, LS16 8AG
United Kingdom
Phone: 01943 467189
Event fee(s)
Whole programme (Day + Concert) £80.00
DPN £70.00
1 x morning workshop (Ayurveda or Mudra) £30.00
1 x afternoon workshop £25.00
2 x afternoon workshops £50.00
2 x afternoon workshops + concert £62.00
Event Region
Dru Admin Region Leeds and the North East
Global region UK & Eire
Event info
Event or Course code
SEO friendly url leeds-summer-event
Event strand Dru Yoga, Ayurveda, Nutrition, General
Prices and booking info

Sunday 30 July 2017

Starts 9.30am

Venue: Mercure Leeds Parkway Hotel, Leeds Road Bramhope LS16 8AG
Pay in advance:   £80 for whole programme
or on the door:    £90 for the day

Individual Workshops:
£30.00 for morning workshops
£25.00 for afternoon workshops

Special offers

Call  01943 467189 or 07534 006 092
or email leeds@druworldwide.com

  • DPN Members:  £70 for the day
  • Dru Yoga teachers: bring 4 people and come free yourself
  • Dru Yoga teachers: bring 2 people and pay £45 yourself

Call 01943 467189  or 07534 006 092


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Annie Jones
Director of Dru (UK), Ayurveda & Nutrition consultant

With over 30 years of experience in yoga, health and nutrition, Annie’s skill is in teaching how Ayurveda influences spiritual and physical evolution. Co-founder of the International School of Dru Yoga, Meditation & Ayurveda, Annie has pioneered one of the first UK-based online yoga studios as well as the Dru Yoga Therapist Diploma in the UK. She is also a specialist in Live and Dry Blood Analysis—where you can see your doshas in action from a tiny drop of blood!

Lalita Doerstel
Subtle energy & mudra expert, Dru Yoga & Meditation trainer

Lalita is an extremely talented yoga teacher trainer, with over thirty years of experience. Her knowledge of yoga philosophy and practice is profound, and her insightfulness into the application of yoga to therapeutic situations is outstanding. Lalita has the ability to inspire you to bring out the very best in you, and she is an expert at applying yogic principles to just about any situation. Lalita has an excellent practical approach to the body's energy systems and teaches workshops on Mudra work (hasta mudras) to strengthen the body’s energy system.

Nanna Coppens
Dru Yoga & Meditation trainer

Nanna is one of Europe’s most experienced and highly regarded Dru Yoga and Dance trainers. Originally from The Netherlands, she has been teaching for over 20 years in the UK, bringing her unique combination of precision and deep energy awareness.

Janey Fitzgerald
GP & Ayurveda consultant

A GP for 30 years, Janey also practices Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy. she has taught GPs throughout her career, and now teaches medical students about complementary therapies. she lectures and trains in Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda around the UK. Janey bridges the ancient and modern approaches to health and healing.

Keith Squires
Ayurveda consultant and author

A master of ‘Anna yoga’—the yoga of food Keith combines his background in nutrition, Ayurveda, herbalism and cookery with over 30 years as a vegetarian chef. Author of new cookbook ’cooking with Love’ his cookery lessons are legendary. Teaching around the world, his events are hugely entertaining and full of practical knowledge on how to live a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.

Mona Fairholme
Dru Yoga trainer, Yoga sports coach & Therapist

Mona has been inspiring people for nearly 20 years with her very practical approach to Dru Yoga. She really wants to empower people and help them to be the best they can be. Whether it is her class students or the Dru Yoga student teachers, she enables everyone to be positive and enjoy life. Along with a very dedicated team in Dru Leeds she has helped to make the Yorkshire /North east  area the highest population of Dru Yoga Teachers in the UK. She is absolutely thrilled to bring this major Dru event to Leeds and hopes the magic of Dru will reach a wider audience.

Isabel Carter
Dru Yoga trainer & Therapist

Isabel has practicing yoga for over 25 years and teaching for 16 years. She teaches in a variety of settings, sharing her passion for Dru Yoga with over 150 students a week - weekly classes, themed workshops, meditation classes and sessions for NHS funded groups including working with people affected by HIV for over a decade.  Isabel works closely with a local physiotherapy clinic. She is also a senior tutor with the Leeds Dru Yoga Teacher Training Team. Recently Isabel opened her own Yoga and Wellbeing Studio in W Yorks .

Jane O’Halloran
Dru Meditation & Yoga trainer

Jane has been teaching Dru Yoga since 2005 and Dru Meditation since 2012. She loves the nurturing holistic style of Dru and is passionate about empowering people through this strong discipline. Dru Meditation is a natural progression from Dru Yoga.  It takes you deeper into a wonderfully nurturing experience and is accessible to all.

Kate Peace
Tai Chi & Dru Meditation teacher

Kate background includes Infinite Tai Chi & Chi Gung, Dru Yoga and Dru Meditation. She has studied  with Lalita Doerstal, a MasterMudra teacher. For 20 years Kate has practised 'Energy Medicine' and combines all of these modalities to energise the body, mind and spirit. She would really love to share the essential moves for revitalising and regeneration.

Stevie Foster
Dru Meditation trainer

Stevie is a Dru Yoga & Dru Meditation teacher and is now  a vital part of the teaching team delivering the Dru Meditation Teacher Training. She works full time as a school teacher but not in a school! She specialises and teaches seriously ill children with special educational needs in the Leeds Children's Hospital. Dru techniques help her to deal with the emotional stresses and strains of the job and to look after her lovely but demanding family!

Dr Ned Hartfiel
Director of the Healthy Back ProgrammeTM

Ned is the creator of the Healthy Back ProgrammeTM is an innovative Dru Yoga workplace wellbeing programme. Ned is also a British-trained nurse and yoga researcher with a PhD in Health Economics from Bangor University. It was during his nursing career that Ned first experienced back pain. In response, he started practising Dru Yoga which significantly reduced his back pain and improved his energy levels. After training as a Dru Yoga instructor, Ned introduced Dru Yoga programmes for employees in the NHS, Conwy and Gwynedd County Councils, Merseyside Police, Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service, Barclays, Santander and other public and private organisations. Ned has published several scientific papers on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of Dru Yoga programmes for improving wellbeing, and reducing back pain and stress in workplace settings.

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9.00 Arrive and registration (9 CPD points for the day)

9.30 Plenary session -Introduction to the day.

Workshop 1

10.45 - 12.45  Ayurveda or Mudra workshop

12.45 - 1.30   Lunch You may bring your own or the bar has a very good menu with vegetarian options.

20 mins  Guided relaxation

Workshop 2

2.00 – 3.30   Healthy Back or Pranayama/ Meditation /Chi Gong

Workshop 3

4.00 – 5.30 Dynamic Yoga or Recharge your Chakras

7.00 - 9.00  Concert for Peace Celebrate World Peace Flame's 18 years


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Pay in advance: £80 for whole programme
or on the door: £90 for the day + £15 for concert

Individual Workshops: £30.00 for morning + £25.00 afternoon

Special offers

call  01943 467189 or 07534 006 092
or email leeds@druworldwide.com

  • DPN Members:  £70 for the day
  • Dru Yoga teachers: Bring 4 of your students, family or friends and come free yourself
  • Dru Yoga teachers: Bring 2 of your students, family or friends and pay £45 for yourself
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two people praying hands

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Ayurveda for total health

This session will introduce  you to the science of Ayurveda to help improve your health plan based on your personal, unique constitution or body type. We will also explore how and why we as a nation are 'expanding in size' beyond our comfort - in other words, putting weight on!  We will look a physical and emotional triggers and how to help your specific body type find the right balance. The session will include practical techniques, the new Agni Namaskar and special meditation and relaxations.

Recharge your chakras - movement and visualisation

If you’ve ever wondered what we mean by ‘energy centres’ or ‘chakras’? This workshop is a chance for you to find out all about them—how they affect your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health, and you can use Dru Yoga to balance and energise your entire chakra system.
This workshop will be an introduction to the chakra system with some powerful yet nurturing postures and movements to help you locate and bring them into balance.

  • Have you ever felt scattered, ungrounded, heavy or lethargic? Learn postures that will help you to become more grounded, stable and steadfast.
  • If you sometimes feel rigid, stiff or dry, come along to learn some flowing, graceful movements to bring you into balance.
  • If you’ve ever felt weak and passive, tired or controlling or dominating and agitated? All are signs of unbalanced chakras.

Stevie will take you through movements designed to help you to find inner strength, energy and power. We will end the workshop with a beautiful chakra relaxation. You'll float out relaxed, full of new knowledge, renewed energy and inner strength.

Mudras for Inner Balance - subtle energy work to help heal body mind and emotions

Your Destiny lies in your hands
The art of holding hasta mudras (hand gestures) on the path of personal unfolding has been used for thousands of years. The word  ‘Mudra’ can be translated as gesture, seal or signature.
The hands are a source of tremendous power, and are divine tools in their expression of our experience of being human.
Each of our fingers stands for one of the elements, fire, air, ether, earth and water.
Mudras are a vast science. For example, imbalances of the elements within the body that could bring a state of dis-ease can be balanced by forming the appropriate mudra or handgesture.
Mudras also are keys for cultivating self esteem, self empowerment and have been used for thousands of years for centering and calming the mind.

In this workshop we will explore and experience

  • The power of yoga movement, combined with the directive force of hasta mudras (hand mudras).
  • A mudra sequence as a morning practice to establish self empowerment for every day
  • Mudras to help maintain your health

Pranayam, Meditation and Chi Gung

By working with flowing Qigong (Chi gung) movements, Mudras, (hand gestures) Pranayama (breathwork), Visualisation and Meditation you will learn effective ways to harness the potent lifeforce, also known as Prana or Chi, that flows around and through us.
Come and learn techniques to help you:

  • Feel more energised
  • Release tension
  • Learn to relax
  • Balance the body systems for overall  improved physical health
  • Foster a calmer clearer mind
  • Empower  a positive mindset.
  • Feel spiritually uplifted
  • Find inner peace

This workshop can help you to access radiant health on all levels and  enable  you to live in more harmonious balance with yourself and those around you. You will be given handouts at the end of the workshop to help you take home and apply what you have learned.

Healthy Back Programme - new ways forward for employers, therapists and people with back pain

The Healthy Back Programme has been developed by physiotherapists, osteopaths, GPs and Dru Yoga therapists.  
In the past year, the Healthy Back Programme has been implemented for staff in four NHS hospitals, two local government authorities and the Merseyside Police.
The programme has now been researched in three clinical trials and shown to reduce back pain, improve wellbeing and decrease sickness absence days due to back pain and musculoskeletal conditions.
During this workshop, Ned and Isabel will guide you through the Healthy Back Programme, and you’ll receive a hand-out illustrating the movements of the Healthy Back Programme, so you can practise it at home.
If you are someone who has experienced back pain, you’ll learn a simple and effective daily programme that can keep you pain-free for the rest of your life.
If you are a yoga teacher, you’ll learn how to become part of the ‘healthy back’ network of instructors who are now teaching the Healthy Back Programme in workplaces throughout the UK.


Yoga training hours
Meditation training hours
Ayurveda training hours