DPN classes or clinics information - Yoga & Meditation with Tangye Braund | DruYoga.com

DPN classes or clinics information - Yoga & Meditation with Tangye Braund

Tangye Braund
Dru Yoga and / or Meditation teacher in Oxford Oxfordshire United Kingdom

Interested in Yoga and meditation all of my adult life, I was overjoyed to discover Dru Yoga in 2001 and have immersed myself ever since, completing both the Yoga and Meditation teacher training programmes.
Personally I have found the holistic approach beneficial with the flowing sequences, which dissolve blocks of energy from the major chakras, creating a wonderful sense of well-being and health. My asthma has improved with traditional breathing techniques and flowing with the breath energises the body and releases tightness or pain. I find the deep relaxation not only healing in itself, but also an integral part of preparing the body to sit in meditation. With practice both body and mind feel calm, ready to find inner peace and tranquillity.
I have taught children and young adults, but now teach adults in a friendly and cosy environment. Feedback is important to me and most people feel that life’s stresses are so much better after a Dru Yoga or Meditation session.

‘The course was so successful that it has become a regular part of the sixth form Enrichment Programme and can be used by students to help them to manage the stress in their increasingly complex lives…I have personally gained through an increase in my physical mobility and it has alleviated much stiffness caused by my arthritis, but more importantly, by teaching me to relax and to deal better with the stresses of life.
Tangye herself is the best example of ‘practising what she preaches’, as she always personifies calm and peace. She makes her yoga classes enjoyable, instructive, sometimes demanding and finally relaxing. I cannot recommend her too highly.’
Veronica Martin
Ex Head of Sixth Form

Oxford: Dru Yoga and Meditation
On-line Meditation Class, every Wednesday 10am- 11.20 am
Enjoy Dru Yoga movement, Relaxation, Kriyas and Meditation in the comfort of your own home.


Tangye Braund
Class Name
Yoga & Meditation with Tangye Braund
Wednesday:10-11.20 am Online Yoga + Meditation.
Current Until (date)
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