DPN classes or clinics information - Yoga in the Workplace | DruYoga.com

DPN classes or clinics information - Yoga in the Workplace

Louise Dennis
Dru Yoga and / or Meditation teacher in Bampton Oxfordshire United Kingdom

My love of yoga began in 2006 when I started practicing Hatha yoga to compliment my busy lifestyle working as a nurse and participating in competitive sporting activities. Following a serious illness in 2011, I struggled to recover and in 2013 was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME (CFS/ME). Yoga practice became an important part of my rehabilitation alongside Graded Exercise Therapy and I found that with daily practice I was able to start to manage my recovery and symptoms better. During this time I discovered Dru Yoga and combined with my regular Hatha Yoga class, I started to feel more energetic, relaxed, focused and was hooked! I have personally experienced the healing benefits of yoga and was inspired to train as a Dru Yoga teacher at the International Dru Yoga Center based in Snowdonia, North Wales. I want to share the wonders of Dru Yoga with others and am particularity interested in yoga for CFS/ME, in the workplace, for sport and for general health and well-being.

Monday 19.30-20.30 The Yoga Room, Witney
A more energetic class of Dru Yoga, mixability and suitable for those functioning with CFS/ME

Monday 18.00-19.15 The yoga Room Witney
The Healthy Back Course

Tuesdays 13-14 OCDEM, Churchill Hospital, Oxford.
Yoga in the Workplace: staff only.

Tuesdays 7-8 pm Tolkien Room, Eynsham
A lovely class for adults of all ages and mixed abilities. This class focuses on spine and joint mobility, gently strengthening and stretching muscles. Deep relaxation and breathing techniques which help you to feel calmer and more relaxed. Postures can be modified to suit the individual and some can be performed seated.

Wednesdays 3.30-4.30 pm Farmoor Village Hall, Farmoor:

Lovely gentle class suitable for adults of all ages, mixed ability and CFS/ME. The class focuses on mobilizing the spine and joints using sequences unique to Dru Yoga, these can be modified to suit the individual and some can be performed seated.

Fridays 10.30-11.30 Tolkin Room, Eynsham. Yoga for CFS/ME. Lying and seated class for those with CFS/ME. Incorporating gentle movement with breathing techniques, meditation and relaxation.

1-2-1's taught for CFS/ME.


Louise Dennis
Class Name
Yoga in the Workplace
Tuesday 13.00-14.00 For OCDEM Staff only
Current Until (date)
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