Ayurvedic constitution

Tongue Scraper, copper

Made from 100% pure copper.
Tongue scraping promotes good oral and digestive health as well as removing bacteria and toxins responsible for periodontal problems.

stainless steel tongue scraper
THE PATH OF PRACTICE One woman’s path to health

Bri Maya Tiwari

One woman’s path to health


How to live an ayurvedic lifestyle

With heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer and cancer ever on the rise, it is so important to know that there is a way to manage and even possibly avoid such life challenging events through this extraordinary science. We invite you to immerse yourself into the magic and mystery of Ayurveda with nine days of total immersion at the Dru Yoga centre in beautiful Snowdonia, North Wales.

Doshas in the supermarket - kapha

Kapha types may feel too lazy to shop, but the overpowering need for food will soon change that! They are also naturally hoarders, so cupboards will be kept well stocked of goodies. They will choose a large trolley and slowly start moving through the store, no doubt starting with good intentions as they may be on some sort of weight loss programme.


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