| DruYoga.com


Elfreda Affleck
Dru Yoga and / or Meditation teacher in Leeds West Yorkshire United Kingdom

I am a fully qualified Dru Yoga Teacher and would love to share the wonderful benefits of this type of Yoga with you. Dru yoga stretches, strengthens and revitalises all parts of you in a gentle and safe way. I have practised many different styles of yoga over the years, all of which I have enjoyed and learned a great deal from. When I started practising Dru Yoga back in 2013 I realised that this style was the most impactful for me. I gained a more pronounced sense of strength & flexibility, strengthened immunity, sharper focus and a greater depth of relaxation. I also experienced a deepened feeling of calm and stillness whilst practising, which was especially helpful in times of stress. I loved and benefitted from this yoga so much that I decided to train and teach it. I look forward to sharing this beautiful Dru Yoga with you.

How I can help you ...

I am teaching the next set of online (Zoom) Dru Yoga classes to begin the (school) Spring term, starting w/c 09th January 2023 and finishing w/e 10th February 2023. All of these classes are suited to beginners, advancing beginners, and those who may have previously tried yoga, are not sure about it, and would like to try again.

Monday mornings Dru Yoga to Ground and Strengthen, 10.00am -11.15am, 09/01/23 - 06/02/23
(covering 5 weeks)
In this class we will work with Dru yoga through movement, breath work and relaxation to get us strong, grounded and ready for the week ahead.

Friday evenings Dru Back Care classes 7.30pm - 8.45pm, 06/11/23 - 10/02/23
(covering 5 weeks) * NO CLASS Friday 13th January 23
These classes will work with Dru yoga through gentle movement, breath work and relaxation to keep our backs strong, flexible and healthy as we move into the New Year 2023.

Catch up classes - Dru Yoga for any classes missed in the term.
Wednesday mornings 10.00-11.15am, 18/01/23 & 08/02/23
2 sessions only

In all these classes I will take you through a series of movements and breathing techniques that are designed to stretch, strengthen and revive the body, mind and soul, and finish with a lovely relaxation to settle and refresh. My classes are friendly and fun, and you don't have to be super bendy, flexible or experienced to practise this form of yoga. One of the things that I love the most about Dru is how accessible & adaptive it is. So, whatever your fitness ability, degree of flexibility (or not), or strength levels, Dru yoga works with you exactly where you are. Come along and give it a try!

I look forward to hearing from you. Do email me to book or ask for more information about the classes. If you would like me to ring you for a chat about them just leave me a telephone no. and a convenient time at which you would like me to call you back.


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drunetwork@dru.com.au +61 02 6161 1462

info@drunetwork.com +44 1248 602900 x 221