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Jenny Bloomfield
Dru Yoga and / or Meditation teacher in Wellington Wellington New Zealand

I am a caring and passionate teacher who helps students find freedom and joy through conscious movement and breath. A severe back injury served as a catalyst for me to discover a way forward without spinal fusion surgery. I found my way back to health by immersing myself in anatomical study, pranayama, meditation, and gentle asana practice. I am committed to teaching compassionately, providing options and modifications that are inclusive of all students, and encouraging students to listen carefully to their own bodies. I have been teaching community dance classes to women since 2005, and bring this wealth of experience into my yoga classes, with a focus on flowing movement, anatomical alignment, and a relaxed style full of grace and heart.

How I can help you ...

My classes are focused on flowing movement, relaxation and rejuvenation.


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drunetwork@dru.com.au +61 02 6161 1462

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