What is the Dru Vitality Sequence?

The Dru Vitality Sequence is a dynamic, flowing sequence designed to improve endurance, fitness, and access abundant energy. It’s a full-body workout that stimulates the major organs and systems of the body, releasing stiffness and leaving you feeling revitalised.
Here’s a closer look at the key aspects of the Dru Vitality Sequence:
- The sequence is designed to provide a full-body fitness workout.
- It aims to help you be more dynamic, rise to challenges, overcome negative emotions easily, and adapt to stress and change.
- As a flowing sequence, it improves endurance, fitness, and helps you access abundant energy.
Key Components
- The sequence includes movements that engage your core strength, including the dynamic warrior, the Bhima sequence, Bakasana (right leg in the air), a dynamic beam (right leg extended), energy flow (right leg in the air), and runner poses.
- The sequence is performed on both sides of the body and concludes with deep relaxation.
Steps in the Sequence
- The sequence begins by accessing your core strength in Tadasana (Mountain Pose), then stepping out to the right and turning the right foot out by 90 degrees.
- You’ll move into the Dynamic Warrior Pose, leaning forward from the hips with your arms folded behind your back, before sweeping your arms forward and up.
- The Bhima Sequence follows, where you place your hands on either side of your right foot, adjust your left foot, then lower the left arm and swing it forward and up.
- The sequence moves into a Runner Pose, followed by the Dynamic Beam position.
- Then comes the Energy Flow movement, which involves raising the leg again, and repeating the sequence on the other side.
- The sequence ends with Deep Relaxation to settle the energy.
- Physical Benefits: The Dru Vitality Sequence is an excellent all-around aerobic workout. It stimulates your major organs and systems, tones key muscle groups, releases stiffness from the spine and shoulders, and eliminates tiredness. It also boosts the digestive system and increases overall energy levels.
- Mental/Emotional Benefits: The increased vitality helps you overcome negative emotions with ease, while also strengthening your ability to adapt to stress and handle change more effortlessly.
- Energetic Benefits: The dynamic energy is drawn from the kandasthana (the area between the anus and genitals) and moves upwards to the heart, throat, and crown.
- The sequence should be avoided if you have knee, hip, or back pain, high blood pressure, or a heart condition.
- It’s also not recommended during pregnancy or the first three days of menstruation.
In Summary
The Dru Vitality Sequence is a dynamic practice aimed at improving your physical fitness, emotional resilience, and energy levels. It’s a powerful sequence that works on multiple levels—toning the body, boosting energy, and supporting emotional balance. It’s important to practice with awareness, especially if you have any contraindications, and to engage your core muscles throughout the sequence.