DruYoga.com | positive empowered wellbeing

Colette Noke
Dru Yoga and / or Meditation teacher in

I have been practicing yoga now for about 20 years and teaching for 11 years. I love how yoga is for every body type, whether you are mobile or not so. Yoga has kept me flexible, given me the ability to control my stress levels and give me a peaceful mind through meditation when all around me has been in chaos. Yoga is the perfect antidote to 21st Century life.

Feel stressed, overworked, cant relax? Yoga For Every Body is the ideal class for you where we gently work every muscle in your body & alss learn relaxation techniques you can use at home.
Yoga For Back Care is a class if you have been advised by your health professional to try yoga or some gentle exercise & if you have back issues or wish to join a slower paced class for your body's challenges.
There will always be a level you can work at SAFELY


0161 301 1289 or 077886479


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