This February, we’re focusing on the profound benefits of connecting with your inner wisdom and discovering what a reliable friend it can be when navigating life’s ups and downs.
Have you ever experienced a moment where you felt an undeniable pull—a quiet, guiding force urging you towards an action that seemed illogical but somehow felt absolutely right?
One of our senior teachers, Louise, shared a powerful story about trusting her inner teacher. She was on a packed train when a young man sat in front of her, visibly anxious and uneasy. As the journey progressed, his agitation only grew. Louise tuned into her inner wisdom, asking what might help the man. A clear message emerged: tell him to pray. But her logical mind immediately resisted. You can’t say that to someone on a rush-hour train—it’s not the done thing!

Unwilling to ignore the guidance completely, Louise decided to test it. She visualised herself sharing the message and imagined the outcome. The practice filled her with a sense of peace and certainty. Still hesitant, she gave herself one more condition: If he’s still here at the next stop, I’ll ask again. When the train stopped, the young man remained seated, now even more distressed, and her inner teacher’s message remained unwavering: tell him to pray.
Finally, Louise summoned the courage to follow through. She leaned forward and gently said, “I feel like I’m meant to tell you to pray.” The young man’s face softened instantly. “Thank you,” he replied. “You don’t know what this means to me. I’m on my way to see my mum in hospital, and I don’t know if I’ll make it before she passes. This is exactly what she would tell me to do: just pray. Now, whether I make it or not, I know it’ll be okay.”
This is the transformative power of connecting with your inner teacher—the force within you that always knows the right action to take. When you follow its guidance, you often feel a deep sense of fullness, joy, and peace—a charge of positive emotion that affirms you’re on the right path. By attuning to this inner wisdom, you’re not just aligning with your emotions—you’re tapping into your soul force, a source far greater than you imagine. This force can infuse your health, relationships, and life with a positive, vibrant energy.
This February, join us as we explore how to connect more deeply with your inner teacher, brighten your brain, and transform your life.
Brightening Your Brain Through Connecting with Your Inner Teacher

While mystics have long understood the profound connection between spirituality, the body, and the mind, modern science is now catching up with research to support these ancient truths.
Dr Lisa Miller, in her groundbreaking book The Awakened Brain, reveals that high levels of personal connectedness or spirituality are strongly correlated with lower levels of depressive symptoms. Spirituality not only acts as a buffer against negative psychological effects but is also linked to healthier brain function. Her research shows that individuals who place high importance on spirituality have broader and more pervasive cortical thickening in their brains compared to those with medium or low spirituality.
Fascinatingly, the “awakened brain” resides in the parietal region of the brain—the same area that becomes thinner in people at high risk of depression. This suggests that developing a connection with your inner teacher not only enhances your mental resilience but also physically strengthens and brightens your brain.
Who or What Is My Inner Wisdom?
Is it my soul? The Divine? A connection with the whole of life? Or is it simply my ego?
If it’s just the ego, true fulfilment or lasting happiness might feel out of reach. The ego can often be self-critical, overly focused on comparison, or quick to judge. It tends to shout the loudest but doesn’t always lead us to peace or clarity.
On the other hand, connecting with the soul, the Divine, or your higher mind creates a lasting, positive lift—for both yourself and those around you. These connections are expansive and fulfilling, offering a sense of wholeness and alignment with something greater.
But what exactly are we connecting to? Is it our soul, our higher mind, or God? The mystics teach us that it doesn’t matter—they’re all leading us in the same direction. Think of it like gazing at the sun. Its brilliance is almost too much to behold, and yet, what if there was something even brighter beyond the sun? Something greater still. Naturally, we feel drawn to explore it.
But first, we need to build the capacity to sit with the sun’s radiance—to reach and connect with its light. Once we’ve done that, we can discover what lies beyond, whether it’s our soul, the Divine, or something beyond words. So why not begin with the sun—your inner wisdom—and allow it to guide you step by step?

How Do I Connect with My Inner Wisdom?
How Do I Connect with My Inner Wisdom?
One of the most powerful ways to awaken your inner intuition is through the Gayatri Mantra, a sacred practice deeply woven into yogic tradition. The final line of the mantra beautifully encapsulates its purpose: May it awaken our minds to this higher wisdom.
A hallmark of wisdom from your inner teacher is how it feels when you act on it. In hindsight, following your inner guidance often brings a sense of delight, empowerment, and joy—a positive charge that affirms you’ve made the right choice. Even when the action is challenging, if you take a moment to pre-live the experience of successfully completing it, you’ll likely feel a wave of beautiful emotions—confidence, gratitude, and a deep sense of fulfilment.
This positive charge is more than just emotion; it’s your soul force—your anandamaya kosha—guiding you toward what truly matters in your life. When you tune into this soul force, everything brightens. Your relationships become richer, your work aligns with your passions, and your life radiates with a deeper sense of purpose.
So, how can you know if the guidance is from your inner teacher? Ask yourself: Is there a positive charge? Does it empower me? Does it feel aligned with my highest good? If the answer is yes, then you’re connecting with your inner wisdom—your soul force in action.
When you align with this energy, it creates a magnetic effect. The people, opportunities, and circumstances you need naturally flow into your life, creating a win-win-win for you and those around you.
Try this: Think about something your inner teacher has guided you to do. Imagine yourself successfully accomplishing it. Notice the wave of positive emotions—gratitude, love, empowerment, freedom—that arises. These feelings are the hallmark of your inner teacher’s wisdom, gently yet powerfully guiding you towards your highest potential.
Reflective Questions for Your Classes, Clients, and Friends
- When was the last time you felt guided by your inner wisdom? What emotions or sensations accompanied that experience, and how did it shape the outcome?
- If you pre-lived the experience of acting on a current nudge or intuition from your inner teacher, what feelings arise? Do they align with empowerment, joy, or fulfilment?
- Consider a time when you ignored your inner wisdom. What held you back, and how might you approach a similar situation differently in the future?
- What would it mean for your life, your relationships, and your work to trust fully in your inner teacher? What first step could you take today to strengthen that connection?