Introduction to Dru Meditation - online course |

Introduction to Dru Meditation

Online course

Welcome to this introductory meditation course!

Why is meditation so useful in today’s world? Dru Meditation is about discovering the "still point" within amidst an ever changing world. How do we manage work/life balance, caring for children, the elderly, uncertainty, ill health with greater ease? Taking "time out" to reflect, calm mind and emotions is a universally recognised solution. No matter what your situation is, it works!

The mind and emotions guide the decisions we make that make life work for us or against us! Learning to meditate allows us to become co-creators and design a way of addressing everyday events in a more kind, loving, and empowering way.

On this course learn how to meditate, feel energised, calm, and focused at the same time. Enjoy a choice of practices to help you relax, feel empowered and create a feel-good factor that stays with you like a sweet fragrance all day!

Discover how meditation can be a tool for better sleep and emotional excellence. Explore the benefit of meditation to connect with the earth and create a healing environment for mind, body, and soul.

Read on for more...

Your goal is not to battle with the mind, but to witness the mind.

Swami Muktananda

Course Overview

Discover simple ways...

to ignite your natural joy and happy self!

The introduction to Mediation course includes
Warm-up programme: activation, energy block release sequence, and a relaxation
An introductory series of 4 short 10 min meditations
Two healing meditations for sleep and emotional balance
Two meditation practices to help you connect with the elements and the beauty of the natural world
Bonus meditation to heal the world.

Other course info

For just £47 (£35 for DPN members), you'll have full access to the Online Course and you'll be able to replay at any time. 

How to use this programme

You'll find it much easier to sit and concentrate if you've activated the body first. Choose a combination of movement programmes and then move into any of the meditations from sections 2,3 or 4.

Section 1 - Preparation

Before you sit to meditate to ensure that your mind and emotions are as focused as possible. Movement and relaxation are perfect preparation to help keep the mind and body alert yet relaxed.
Remember if you're short on time just do the activation before sitting, otherwise dip into a movement and relaxation combination to help get you ready for your practice.

Section 2 - Meditation practices

This section has two sessions. The first explores the Prana Kriyas (specialist movement preparation for Dru Meditation) before sitting for a 10 min meditation.

Session 2 has three beautiful 10 min meditations: De-stress meditation, a Gratitude and Healing meditation
and the Inner smile meditation, to bring joy.

Section 3 – Therapeutic approach to meditation

These powerful meditations are perfect for those moments when you feel you need a little extra support to balance an overactive or sluggish mind.

  1. Blue mist meditation to dissolve and let go of unhelpful emotions
  2. Sleep better meditation is a great session to use before bed

Section 4 – Connect to the elements - go deeper

This section contains two wonderful meditations that enable you to deepen your connection with the elements.

These sessions are designed to help you attune to this beautiful planet and discover an even greater love for this amazing place called home.

Ready to establish a strong foundation?

Simple yet effective Dru Meditation has been proven to calm the mind, balance emotions and help you to feel totally empowered!


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