Together at home in Australasia |

Together@Home in Australasia

Empowerment   -  Transformation  -  Community

Yoga  -  Meditation  -  Ayurveda 

courses - live events - webinars - blogs - yoga & meditation classes - coaching - inspirational videos - free tips 

And all of a sudden, we are at home. 
It's an incredible opportunity to support each other, to transform ourselves
​​​​​​​& transform the planet.
Let’s use this change to stay connected, learn and grow together.

We have created this portal so we can stay connected with you! We want to bring you regular, potent and practical Dru:

  • Find out how to ease stress/anxiety & feel more positive about life - transform your emotions 
  • Use body/mind tools to avoid ill health & boost your immunity - supercharge and strengthen your body 
  • Learn to relax and nurture yourself in these challenging times - discover more peace of mind
  • Feel the warm connection of the Australian and global Dru community - simply be with good friends 

#together at home in Australasia

Live Lounge

Live inspirational talks, live yoga & seminars

Wellbeing Hub

Health articles, books, yoga DVDs & music

The Studio

250+ videos - yoga, meditation, ayurveda,

The Academy

Courses, webinars + study groups


One on one coachng tailored for you


Global tribe + connection online 

The 3 Keys

Now, more than ever before, we need to get the essential foundations of life right. We are empowered people who make a difference to the people around us. And - we also need to give the very best to ourselves too.

Key 1 - Daily practice

Build a personal practice that nourishes, relaxes and empowers you.

Key 2 - Connection

Feel supported by a global community of like-minded friends.

Key 3 - Wisdom

Be with teachers who provide you with insights and empowerment.

The Academy

Courses, webinars + study groups

The change the world is experiencing may just be the nudge you need to explore something new in your life!

We have a variety of online courses that will give you strength, skill and balance in a varierty of life's arenas. Online courses are a great way for you to learn from home at a time convenient to you. 
​​​​​Browse the courses below for more information & to register today​​​​

Available Online Courses

Dru Yoga students and books

This 30-day course will teach you how to feel totally in control of your health, more energised, radiant and balanced.

Ayurveda helps you make sense of yourself—to understand your original nature so that you can heal and revitalise your body, mind and emotions.

More info & register  >

This 9-month course takes you week-by-week on one of the most exciting yet rewarding journeys of your life! A wonderfully comprehensive introduction to meditation, we aim to get you meditating, de-stressing and relaxing as quickly as you can!

You'll be guided effortlessly through the course via our richly informative course manuals and soothing meditation downloads.

More info& register   >

The Dru Bhagavad Gita online self-mastery course gives you a template for daily living that will help you to create the best mental and emotional environment for achieving your highest purpose. 

Over eighteen months (one chapter per month) you will explore in-depth ancient teachings and contemporary self-mastery techniques, taking you ever-deeper into a fascinating journey of discovering your self. 

More info & register   >

Imagine that feeling of boundless energy now -  it’s like walking in sunshine!

Your body feels light, there is a spring in your step, your skin glows, your eyes smile, your mind is clear and focused. There is a greater confidence in your voice and presence. This all comes from simply having MORE ENERGY!

More info & register   >

Many of the questions you have about your life, your past, present and future have clear answers once you begin to understand the sacred science of Jyotish.

It includes the essence of Vedic Astrology with its unique predictive methods plus the powerful approaches in Western Astrology that will enable you to very quickly get an understanding of what makes someone 'tick'!

More info & register   >

Every one of us has experienced having a loved one make their journey into the Infinite. Without doubt, it will be one of the hardest experiences in any of our lives.

Western society gives us almost no training to prepare for this important moment in our lives, but humanity has evolved a vast body of wisdom to help us make this one of the most remarkable and fulfilling experiences we'll ever have. 'Living with the end of life' aims to bring you that wisdom.

More info & register   >

In this 10 week online course, our senior tutors will help you discover your dreams and activate your power of manifestation, so that you can live a life filled with clarity, purpose and fulfilment.

You will also learn to design your day so you can achieve your highest goals and learn to create more time for your life’s priorities.

​​More info & register  >

Health & Spirituality Webinars 

Dru has done a series of special webinars over the years and we wanted to make the recordings of some of these webinars available to you now. Take advantage of drawing upon the wisdom of our most senior tutors. 

In this one hour pre-recorded webinar, you'll gain a practical understanding of how to make each chakra work for you so you can have a more successful life. Chris Barrington wil show you how to access the huge amount of prana stored in your energy centres, and how to channel their creative power into every aspect of your life.

Book now >

Join Jane Clapham for this pre-recorded webinar on developing the power and depth of your meditation. This pre-recorded webinar will run for 1 hour and you will be guided through three meditation approaches with explanations. Jane will share how we can use new developments in neuroscience to help us overcome the challenges to developing positive and focussed thinking.

Book now  >

Join Annie Jones for this pre-recorded webinar where she discusses how to use Ayurveda to optimise your health, especially in the winter.  Annie will help you to discover your own Ayurvedic Dosha or constitution and show you how to modify your health programme for the winter months to beat the dark day blues and rediscover the sun inside. 

Book now  >

In this one hour pre-recorded you will learn about the vedic health model and show you where yoga fits into the process of creating complete health.

Chris Barrington will discuss the fundamental principles upon which yoga therapy is based and give you guidelines on how you can use yoga to manage your energy and health, overcome many physical conditions, and in many ways change the way you look at your life and your yoga practices.

Book now >

Online Study Groups

Online Study Groups give you ongoing support in a topic of your interest... A bit like the 'book club' concept, where a small group of people focus on a particular subject for a few weeks.

If there is enough interest we'd love to explore with you a variety of subjects such as:

  • guide your soul's journey with the Bhagavad Gita online course
  • mind/body tools to enhance your relationships 
  • balance your chakras for health & happiness 
  • transform your emotions 
  • yoga for chronic pain
  • sacred sound and mantra
  • the magic of mudras for transformation 
  • tools for developing emotional intelligence with yoga 

  • meditations to de-stress the mind with meditation online course 

  • how to manifest your dreams - the power to live your dreams course

Want to join a study group? Email us at with your expression of interest.

Give your self the gift of time...

Time to learn. Time to study. Time to grow.


Live Lounge

All live events

Join us on the Live Lounge

There's so much going on online! From Master Classes in Australia and the UK and live-streamed yoga through to daily Instagram broadcasts from the Dru Centre in Snowdonia.

Tune-in live and join hundreds of other yogis from across the globe as we develop our online community.

Check out all the upcoming live events below.

Join us at 9pm AEDT daily on Instagram for inspiration from the Dru Centre in Snowdonia.

Upcoming live events


Wellbeing shop & hub

Resources to support your journey

We have a fantastic resource of yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, personal development and other health resources for you to explore. 

At the Dru shop you can find Yoga DVD's, relaxation music, meditation options, inspiring books and audio yoga classes to download.

At the Wellbeing hub you can find blogs, vlogs and articles.

Dru Shop

Wellbeing Blog Hub  

The Studio

250+ videos

Welcome to The Studio

Now that we can’t go out and about as much as we would like, our yoga and meditation become even more important to us than usual. It is an ideal way to stay fit and balanced at a physical, mental and emotional level.

Whether you're looking for a quick 5 min recharge or a Sunday morning deep and meaningful - Dru Online has the perfect class for you.

Register here to access 250+ videos


Tailored for you

Janet Scharbow

Need a mentoring to help you stay calm and present in the here and now regardless of what is happening around you? Janet is CEO of Dru Australia and a very experienced international senior tutor in yoga and meditation. 

She has over 20 years experience as an international yoga teacher and presenter in Australia, Britain and India and has pioneered Dru Dance workshops and teacher training.

Janet combines her previous corporate business skills, personal development knowledge and yoga therapy to help people at all levels.

Janet is offering mentorings in:

  • Finding balance and steadiness in uncertain times
  • Spirituality in an online setting
  • Abundance mentality to bring financial ease 
  • Goal setting & personal achievement for a fulfilling future

Contact Janet >

Ruth Gent 

Ruth is a senior tutor on the Dru Yoga Teacher Training Courses and a Corporate facilitator in Management and Leadership training, specialising in Emotional Intelligence.

With a background in science teaching, natural therapies, leadership and management, Ruth’s passion is integrating these diverse fields to facilitate others to understand, grow, realise their true potential and align with their purpose in life.

Ruth offers mentorings on: 

  • Building personal resilience with yoga and neuroscience

  • Providing a tailored therapeutic yoga program

  • Using Yoga to develop Emotional Intelligence

Contact Ruth >

Noelene Francis 

Noelene is a Director of Dru Australasia and senior tutor on the Dru Yoga and Meditation teacher trainings and post graduate courses. She is a qualified yoga therapist, and also leads the Dru Sound and Mantra course in Australia.
Noelene brings to her mentoring over two decades of experience as a yoga and meditation teacher trainer, and is also an experienced mentor in both government and non-government organisations.
In this ever-changing environment I’m excited to offer you one-on-one time for mentoring to develop personalised programs on:

  • yoga therapy to help with ‘dis-ease’ of the body or mind
  • yoga for effective communication
  • finding and expressing your Truth in uncertain times
  • working with sound and mantra in your daily practice

Contact Noelene >

Greg Carlin

As well as spending many years in hands-on health care, Greg has also built up a stock of Ayurvedic therapies and skills. 
In his consultations, he applies the Ayurvedic approach to diet and lifestyle to your specific health status or condition. 

In your Ayurvedic & lifestyle consultations he will:

  • Guide you through a lifetime health analysis

  • Apply Ayurvedic diagnostic techniques to discover your distinctive constitution (mix of vata, pitta and kapha)

  • Identify any areas that may be out of balance in your constitution

  • Recommend diet and lifestyle practices to address imbalances.

Contact Greg >

Deb Ryan 

Life balance and practical spirituality

  • Factoring in simple yet powerful techniques to maintain balance in your health, relationships, work and all aspects of life.
  • Adding spirituality to your life in a practical and digestible way
  • Exploring the Bhagavad Gita as a guide
  • Using kindness as the key to maintain balance

Deb has much experience in prioritising relationships, making choices that enhance your own continuing journey on a physical, emotional or spiritual level, so that everyone benefits.

    Contact Deb >

    Mouli Mackenzie

    My passion is using the wisdom and practices of Dru and Ayurveda to help you to bring your life into balance and connect with your joyous true nature.

    Simple lifestyle and dietary changes, combined with specific yogic practices can support your wellbeing, healthy choices and inner strength. Let Mouli guide your daily routine to generate more energy for inner connection, overcoming challenges and purposeful living. 

    Mouli is a senior Dru Yoga and Meditation teacher trainer who is pioneering bringing Dru Ayurvedic wisdom to Australasia.

    Contact Mouli >

    Want to change your life?

    Mentoring is a powerful way to get your life on track especially if you have a specific concern that may be blocking your way forward. 

    Whilst you have the opportunity, why not delve deeper into yourself and take some time to analyse what's working for you - and what's not - and then ask the right questions of the right people.

    Above are some of the very best of our senior mentors within Dru. Each has a specialism or focus and many, many years of experience guiding people not just through the challenging and joyful times, but also helping each person to succeed in every area of their lives.


    Global tribe

    Keep connected with your global tribe

    Over these next few weeks keep connected through Facebook, Instagram and by joining us on the Live Lounge.

    Community = connection, friendships and sharing.

    Daily Instagram Live

    If you're looking for great ideas, advice and connection - join us at 9pm ADST every evening on Instagram.


    Check in with us on Facebook for inspiring posts and info about the upcoming events in Australia 

    Surround yourself with people who add value to your life. Who challenge you to be greater than you were yesterday. Who sprinkle magic into your existence, just like you do to theirs. Life isn't meant to be done alone.

    Find your tribe and travel freely and loyally together.

    Alex Elle

    Got a question for the experts?

    When we're on a yoga journey it's inevitable to have questions. If you're thinking about it... others will be too - so why not submit a question to our expert panel and we can schedule it in to our live Q&As or Master Classes.

    Submit your question