Inner Climate Challenge |


Earth from Space - from NASA


Your Inner & Outer Climate Challenge

 Salutation to the Four Directions >        Learn >


We all want to make a difference to our world, to personally respond to the climate crisis and to influence our governments to make the meaningful changes our grandchildren depend upon.

You're invited to harness the power of intention to improve humanity's inner climate - for globally, this is the force which will enable us to heal our earth's climate.

We're now in the closing days of the big UN climate change conference in Glasgow, one of the most pivotal opportunities to influence our future in years.

So far we've accumulated more than 2000 of the Dru Yoga sequence, Salutation to the Four Directions. It's one of the most potent methods available to focus and direct the power of our inner intention. Please renew your pledge for the next few days!

And at the same time, please add your vision of what a truly caring humanity would look like on this planet, and your commitment to improving our earth's climate by decreasing your carbon footprint - drive less, heat less and more efficiently, more plant-based food - and more.

In a world that needs love, YOU are the answer.

View everyone's messages below >

View the launch and learn the 4 Directions sequence >
Salutations to the Four Directions
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Your Climate Challenge dedications

Our total so far:
Ann  O'Brien
8 November, 2021
A plant where we put our forests, oceans and natural habitats above our own wants and desires. A world where people show kindness towards one another and where we smile at each other in the street.
I pledge to make more effort to reduce waste. To really think before I buy something....."do I really need this". To turn the thermostat down on the heating.

My Salutations to the Four Directions: 20
Julie  Hooper
8 November, 2021
Governments and heads of power making decisions for the good of the land and its population-without politics and their jobs influencing them. That all beings become mindful of how and what they eat. Mindful of their rubbish and how that is disposed. Mindful of the consumption of mind polluting media that debases themselves and other beings. I hope and pray that the coming generations can honour the Earth and it’s resources, live with hearts that are considerate, selfless and loving and that I have/am leaving a legacy of all these qualities by the way I live my life. I hope that now and in the future beings will be able to be recharged and connected to all that the natural world is. Let kindness respect and love for all sentient beings be the natural way of living and being. ❤️
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 24
Vanessa  Curry
5 October, 2021
Everyone remembering we are all connected, we are all one…so caring for and loving each other, living in peace.
Being more aware of the choices I make in my day to day life.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 40
Colleen  Ryman
4 October, 2021
A truly caring community sees people connecting harmoniously, caring for themselves, each other and the environment in a positive and constructive way to make the world a better place.
I choose to eat a plant based diet, to pick up rubbish on the beach and in parks when I walk, to reduce my use of plastic and to reduce, reuse and recycle when I can.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 30
Alison  Hayward
3 October, 2021
A humanity that is thoughtful, loving and caring for others, putting the collective needs of the vulnerable, endangered species, our precious natural environment and wildlife ahead of their own needs and wants.
My pledge is to create a habitat for wildlife in my own garden and to monitor and reduce my own carbon footprint by reducing my use of fossil fuels.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 20
Ned  Hartfiel
2 October, 2021
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 40
marilyn  harper
2 October, 2021
I envision kindness in our words and our actions and our thoughts, remembering that the thoughts that we put out into the world really matter. I envision a world where we practice contentment and let go of the need to have more, a place of building relationship with the beauty and love that is available to us right now with our Mother Earth, and offering her our deep love and gratitude for all that she has given. Saying thank you.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 40
Claire  Marsh
30 September, 2021
My vision is for people around me to have a positive vision for our future on this planet as I can see my 14 year old has lost faith in humanity to care for each other and planet. I commit to helping my son and others with this by educating myself on the specifics of the challenge we are facing to stabilise global temperature rise by 2030 and bringing to life ideas for positive change. I will do this by starting a collection of simple drawings of what a caring humanity looks like. Drawing these will be meditative for me and help me too with my vision. Thank you for inspiring me with this - I am excited. I will do a daily Salutation to the 4 Directions through October.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 31
Mariana  Suarez
30 September, 2021
Expand this inner climate challenge to my community. Very excited about contributing to this
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 40
Aileen  Emery
30 September, 2021
I envisage a world where all people appreciate that we are all connected, all fortunate enough to live on this beautiful planet and work together to look after our environment so that it can continue to support us. In living more in harmony with nature we may also find that we can live in harmony with each other.
I will reduce car trips where possible, buy from charity shops and buy primarily local produce to reduce the impact of transport on my consumption.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 20
Sandy  Ingham
29 September, 2021
Communities who look after people in their area, particularly the elderly to make their lives better.
Recycle more responsibly.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 40
Sandy  Ingham
29 September, 2021
Communities who look after people in their area, particularly the elderly to make their lives better.
Recycle more responsibly.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 40
Elisabeth  Marnie
29 September, 2021
Plant a tree.
Step up my involvement with local community garden.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 27
Barbara  Worrall
28 September, 2021
By working together globally to vision what changes we can make to support our planet
Gandhi there is enough for every bodies need but not for every bodies greed.
Loving people and all creation means we share and give respect and care for each other and the Earth
I will live with greater awareness and reverence for the Earth
Personally I will look at not wasting food and other resources around me Simplifying my live and my daily habits by looking at how much I use Awareness of the 5 elements and how a balanced life style takes care of all the precious resources as well as using creativity and commitment to find better and more sustainable way and embracing existing initiatives such as recycling reusing reclaiming
Walk every day for 40 days The Earth is our mother
4 directions 40 times as a dedicated prayer
Educating and being educated about saving and looking after our precious resourses
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 40
Michael  Kieser
28 September, 2021
More plant based food, more cycling, higher awareness for nature the animals and each other.
Buying second hand and fixing things before throwing away.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 24
Pauline  Ward
28 September, 2021
I see a world where everyone’s unique talents are nurtured and valued. A world where everyone develops ‘we’ mentality, and ‘we’ means the community not just our immediate relatives. A world which is governed by people who are solution focused. I see a world where everyone values and cares for The incredible gift of nature in all its forms. Where people and goods are transported in the most efficient manner possible, where roads are quiet and beautiful. I see a world where people work less because they need less. I see a world where people have more time to play and more time to care. A world where people have more time to nurture nature and to be nurtured by nature, to joyfully exercise their bodies and minds, And to come together to resolve life’s challenges.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 108
Barbara  Parkinson
28 September, 2021
A humanity that appreciates with deep love the beauty and preciousness of being a human and of this wonderful world; a humanity that recognises their innate power, seeks to expresses gratitude and acts dharmically upholding all that is true.
My plans, to walk on the earth with reverence, to treat all resources with the greatest respect, recycling, reclaiming, reducing etc and to be an example for others.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 40
Mouli  MacKenzie
28 September, 2021
I envisage a world where we are all reconnected to natural cycles, attuned to natural laws, living in harmony with our planet and each other; waking up each day to give to lift others to give and give back.

Ticking of 27 early morning rises, breathing in the cold air, walking to unique spots connecting to the magnificence of the two mountains around me, and empowering our group intentions with awareful practice of the 4 Directions, connected in oneness.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 27
Sandra  Leary
28 September, 2021
I would envision that all the children that are born in our time from now on all have the power and asperation to work together to help bring peace to all the countries in our world. where there is no more wars no more killing animals and humans anymore. we all live in harmony and peace thinking of ways to make things even better. the whole world put down their knifes and guns. and no more racisim. freedom and equality for womans rights. all religions being accepted and realising that we are all one .
caring for our children and our animals our forests. planting more trees.

Many years ago I decided to stop driving my car to work and walk instead to help the earth. I done this for many months with many magical moments along the way. after 6 months I was traveling to North Wales for a Dru meditation weekend. I told my friends I would walk to the centre as I wanted to keep my walking going. As I was walking along the A5 this huge big black motorbike stopped to ask me would I like a lift. I replied thank you but Im not going very far. the person who was all in black and I could only see their eyes turned their engine off on the A5. I was astounded as I know how fast the cars drive along the A5.but the voice says I am going that way , I was relived to hear a womans voice so I climbed on the back of this huge black motorbike to experience the wind in my hair and holding onto a stranger. when we got to the Snowdonia mountain lodge she asked me to take a picture of her she stood in the middle of the A5 , as asked her to go onto the pavement and take off her helmet , she replied oh its fine they know who I am!! I was blowen away as I knew it must be a guardian of the highway.. and also confi rmation that when we help the planet our universe will respond by giving back. That is what they call a miracle !
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 40
Monica  Staniforth
28 September, 2021
I see a cruelty free planet -which means a vegan planet - no killing on the planet
I see to see an end to war and destruction
1 see everyone happy with a healthy diet, harmonious relationships, generously supporting all other people.
I see Everyone living in the countryside and growing their own food.
Permaculture gardens in cities instead of flower gardens - food for everyone.
No plastic on the planet
I see abundant forests and jungles and happy healthy wildlife.
I see clean healthy oceans and fish life
I see all exploitation cease of humanity, wildlife and Mother Earth.
I see people walking and cycling - using the car rarely / 1 car between 2 households.
Cycling cultures.
A wave of health awareness and fitness culture.
A deep awareness and connection with the whole of nature and our relationship with nature.
Nature schools for kids.
A Dru Yoga degree course with a masters in humanity.
Female equality
Religious equality
I see everyone getting up everyday with a kind and inspired heart to serve each other.
I see each human being alive and passionate to heal the planet snd live in the highest possible consciousness.
Joy love laughter and gratitude more common than doubt and fear.
A fear free planet.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 40
Johan  Welsh
27 September, 2021
I hope to introduce the salutation to the four directions in my yoga class being mindful of how we can support our planet earth. Use my bike to buy shopping when possible.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 30
Sally  Oates
27 September, 2021
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 30
Morag  Morrish
27 September, 2021
I am going to teach and share 4 diections and Dru's climate change vision with the people who come to my class this term.

My yoga class term starts on 5th October, thats 4 weeks before the summit on 1st Nov.

I will teach 4 directions every week , three times a week, plus I will do one complete 4 dirctions each week on a Monday as part of my personal practice starting from today 28th Oct. That's 5 personal rounds plus 12 rounds with my students = 17 in total.

I am also going to invest in an e bike (which I can charge with my new solar panels) and once we go back to face to face classes I will cycle to my ALL my yoga classes and not drive. Its very very hilly where I live so an ebike will be very useful and enable me to arrive at my classes fresh and fully energised ready to teach (not sweaty and puffed out)

My Salutations to the Four Directions: 17
Christine  Dingli
27 September, 2021
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 40
Christiane  Saar
26 September, 2021
My vision is for the whole of humanity to truly love and care for this planet and each other. Knowing that the more we vision it the more of a reality it will become! <3

I minimise traveling by car even more (car pooling already in progress, cycling and walking more, planting trees to balance longer car journeys)
I recycle where I can, buying recycled and ecological gifts wherever I can. I'm one of those people that recycles/re-uses every single piece of paper! :D
I'm in the process of turning my whole wardrobe into ecological and Bamboo clothing. I only turn the heating on when I really need it and keeping it low (investing in merino wool layers).
I already follow a plant based diet and will take even more care to buy locally grown and produced foods.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 27
Jacqui  Bastock
26 September, 2021
My vision is for a world where all beings know love.
Where hunger and suffering and war are things that become part of history and no longer part of the world we know and love.
Support planting more trees. Turn my heating down and rarely use it for longer than 4hrs a day. Recycle, everything that is recyclable and reduce to an absolute minimum buying any thing that isn't. Be a positive and loving example to my children grandchildren and those in my life of how we can live a kinder more compassionate life
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 25
24 September, 2021
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 80
Charlotte  Dolphin
24 September, 2021
It is my wish for Humanity to ‘Awaken’ to the realisation that we can all do our bit in some small way or another to heal our earth
My plan is to use my car less
Use my bike more Buy less new clothes
Recycle more
I am looking at growing my own vegetables
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 40
Lester  Bath
24 September, 2021
I plan to try to offset my carbon footprint created through driving by planting trees - well donating to tree planting organisations - at the same time trying to reduce the amount of driving that I do. My house thermostat is set at 18C and I shall switch off the heating when I am not in the house and look to moving to heating by electric and not gas.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 20
Gabbi  Clark
24 September, 2021
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace
- Jimi Hendrix

Therefore my focus will be on love for those with whom we share this planet, and a deep gratitude for our mother earth and all that she provides for us (air, water, food, clothing and shelter) X
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 40
Lucy  Cleary
24 September, 2021
I envision a world where everyone treats all people and the whole of creation with love and respect.

I will reduce my dairy consumption and lower the thermostat in my house.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 30
Anne  Smale
24 September, 2021
Did my 5 x 4 Directions today (goal was 200) and it's also a good workout! I really want to put my intention behind this challenge so I'm adding another 2 per day. Now aiming to achieve 276 within the 40 days. I'm fortunate to have a beautiful south-facing view and this helps me to absorb the wonders of nature and the sun.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 76
Jennifer  Bartlett
24 September, 2021
To drop criticism and judgement of each other, to realise that we each have our own path that is a piece of the whole. We are all unique, each one of us teachers to all we meet. I choose to buy less from supermarkets, to use local veg boxes and our organic cooperative. I intend to get out in nature whatever the weather, continually express my gratitude for all in my life with positive affirmations that ripple out to everyone I think about and come in contact with. I choose to be part of an amazing change for the good of all.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 40
Glenda  Wadsley
24 September, 2021
Work in small and big ways to care for our planet and support the move to renewable energy. Eat more plant based foods, reuse, recycle, repair and repurpose things I need. I'm loving growing food from seeds and sharing seeds and produce with others. Continue work on establishing a local repair cafe.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 40
Pauline  Hallett
24 September, 2021
Eat more plant based foods, avoid plastic packaging when possible, cycle more. Put on an extra layer to stay warm. Use the zero waste shops more.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 40
Joanne  Donnelly
24 September, 2021
I envision a truly caring community as one motivated by the heart and choices are made for the greater good and we understand the role of ego is more about self respect than wants and greeds.

My commitment is to practice sustainable living in my own backyard and re use and recycle as much as I can, which also means buying less (sorry global merchandisers). My inner environment will be enriched and nurtured through connection to nature and the truth that is revealed through flowing with the stream.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 40
Jane  Bennett
23 September, 2021
Buy more locally grown, regularly give away clothes. Limit non-natural fibres. Share food with others, cooked and from the garden. Give gifts of spring flowers.
My Salutations to the Four Directions:
Jane  Bennett
23 September, 2021
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 40
Nicola  Bryan
23 September, 2021
By continuing to practise clean and eco-living myself and encouraging as many of my friends, family and associates to do as much as they can, too.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 40
Laura  Beech
22 September, 2021
I am going to minimise car travel and avoid unnecessary journeys. I am going to shop less and try to only buy what we need. I am already vegan but shall consider carefully the food miles of what I buy. Look after and repair household items as well as clothing to avoid waste and consumption. Encourage the people around me to take their own action too.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 40
Anne-Michele  Patart
22 September, 2021
I will start shopping in the zero waste shop in my town.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 20
Sue  Bushell
22 September, 2021
Planting more trees
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 40
UmHani  Polzer
22 September, 2021
I will fast every Thursday, collect kitchen water and give it to the flowers in the garden
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 200
Marilyn  Harper
22 September, 2021
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 40
Sally  Pearson
22 September, 2021
Lowering my room temperature
Planning my shopping trips so I use the car less
Staycations rather than travelling abroad.
Recycling the clothes I no longer wear in my wardrobe.
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 30
Julie  Carnie
22 September, 2021
Shop locally at a zero-waste shop
Travel less & car pool whenever possible
Use less electricity
Plant a tree
Shop and donate clothes at charity shops - buy what we need second hand and sell items no longer needed or gift
I already eat plant based diet but encourage others to try and eat 1 plant based diet a week
Look at charity gifts for birthdays and xmas
Car pool
Look at what I can offer as a volunteer to help
Pick up litter from our beaches
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 40
Anne  Smale
22 September, 2021
Turn the heating down a degree or two throughout the winter. Conserve energy as much as possible. Recycle as much as possible. Do not collect unnecessary 'things'. and lots more ....
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 200
Christine  Miller
22 September, 2021
Carry on cycling to work and do better with my weekly shopping and put on more jumpers and keep the temperature down as we come into winter. Good luck everyone - we are brilliant and can make a difference xxx
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 20
Andrew  Wells
22 September, 2021
Inspiring everyone I possibly can about the tremendous difference each of us can make! And on a practical note, decreasing the amount of "Stuff" I and my friends purchase, car pooling, bicycling, turning my heating down by 2 degrees
My Salutations to the Four Directions: 24