The Power to Live Your Dreams – Module 6

Welcome to Module 6 of the Power to live your Dreams course!

I want to congratulate you on making it this far. I really appreciate that all of you have incredibly busy lives and at times it can be challenging to find the space to sit and watch the videos and complete the exercises.

Please remember that there will always be so many things that will pull you away from what really matters in your life. YOU and your dream are the most important project that you will ever undertake. Is that selfish? Absolutely not! We each have a purpose, a dream that if we neglect will mean that a part of us always remains unfulfilled.

When we have the courage to follow our dream we feel fulfilled and happy and everyone around us benefits. It’s a win-win!

So rev up your enthusiasm if it’s waning a little, sharpen your focus, brush up your manifesting techniques, put extra zest into your 4 stage power breath and keep reviewing your Master Action Plan on a regular basis. Your courage and action will bring you results that you could only have previously dreamed of – you’re awesome!

Enjoy this week’s videos and I’ll see you again soon.

Love Louise and the Dreams team

Downloads for this video:

Worksheet pdf >

Session 1 – Mastering needs in a relationshi



Session 2 – The power of relationships



Session 3 – Empowering successful relationships (technique)



Session 4 – Webinar with Chris Barrington and Silka Zanker

In this Webinar Chris and Silke gave a brief overview of the course so far and answered a few of the questions that the course participants had sent in previously.

The first few minutes of this session are not included in the recording.