Pitta | DruYoga.com

Yoga for your Ayurvedic body type - Pitta

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Yoga for your Ayurvedic Body Type: Pitta

45 mins

In this session, designed specifically for anyone who has a Pitta Ayurvedic body type, Nanna Coppens will guide you through movements and postures that will bring you into the present. Playfulness and fun are the key words of this session, as well as that 'pitta-must-have' hint of a challenge.
This class is aimed to slow you down and to cool your system - but with a hint of challenge too!

  • fun and playful, flowing and fluid activations - the eagle breath and circling a large - imaginary - beach ball!
  • Chair of the Heart posture - opening the heart and bringing a feeling of inner joy
  • the mudra (hand gesture) known as the Lotus flower
  • Warrior postures - to give the pitta type a mild challenge and sense of achievement; adductor (inner thigh) stretches in preparation for this posture
  • the sitting spinal twist - counteracts the tension that excess pitta can create as a result of too much stress
  • and now the deep relaxation you have been waiting for, but with a difference. In this deep relaxation, Nanna will introduce the humming sound, which relaxes the nervous system and helps you to arrive at the heart centre.
  • end this session once more with the Lotus flower, bringing you fully into the present moment.

Are you vata, pitta or kapha? Do the Ayurvedic questionnaire (opens in a new tab) to discover your ayurvedic body type


Yoga for your Ayurvedic body type - Vata 
A Vata personality is outgoing, friendly and creative. When not in balance they can be stressed, anxious, overwhelmed. They can suffer from conditions such as insomnia, joint pain and brain fog. In this class we are going to reduce your vata and help create a calm, grounded state of mind and body. Be prepared to de-stress and relax with this calming and nurturing class.


Yoga for your Ayurvedic body type - Kapha 
Kapha types are grounded, loyal, steady, compassionate and reliable. Out of balance they tend to like food (a little too much at times!) – and hence be slightly overweight. A Kapha personality may have low motivation and tend to be a teeny weeny bit on the lazy side! So what are you waiting for - let's get moving! This class will energise and motivate you as well as mobilising your circulation and lymphatic system.

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Members' comments:

18 Feb, 2023
KathyField's picture
Thank you so much Nanna - I’ve just returned to this class and it was just what I needed today. Now that I am learning a little more about Ayurveda and doshas, I am more aware of why this feels so good for my body, mind and soul. I loved the sense of relaxation and letting go via the bee breath after some expanding and opening movements of the spine - especially the twists. I feel much less tight and tense now. Namaste
27 Dec, 2022
KayMarples's picture
So beautiful and restorative. I loved the Bee breath. Thank you
19 Aug, 2021
MartinR's picture
Perfect, Thank you Nanna. Really stabilised my over pitta these summer days.
2 Jun, 2021
JuliaS's picture
Thank you so much for the pitta class.
9 Feb, 2021
KathyField's picture
I returned to this class today in order to practice Ardha Matsyendrasana from Book 10 on DYTT course....and loved the warm ups that felt so "right" for my body - the ayurvedic information made a lot of sense to me in understanding my dosha type. Thank you so much for your deep and gentle wisdom Nana!
30 Sep, 2020
KathyField's picture
What a beautiful balancing class - so informative and fun whilst somehow giving me everything I needed today. Thank you so much Nana ps really loved the additions of humming bee breath and the lotus mudra
30 Mar, 2020
Margaret Ford's picture
Margaret Ford
A beautiful class, loved the mudra and the humming relaxation. Thank you Nanna with gratitude and love.
6 Mar, 2019
cat's picture
Totally loved this pitta balancing class Nanna - supports my pitta reducing diet perfectly. Strong enough with a gentle flow balance - ready for my day of being just me and not running around trying to tick off my to do list. X
18 Nov, 2016
Liz Waddington's picture
Liz Waddington
You have taught me so much about myself through the doshas today Nana you truly are my inspiration & teacher guru. See you next weekend for more. With love xx
22 Aug, 2016
kathrineparker1@me.com's picture
Superb class, Nanna. Calming and yet gently warming at the same time! Kath x
5 Jul, 2016
AnnDBishop's picture
Lovely class - completely fits my personality. Particularly love the lotus mudra and the humming. Will be doing this regularly to balance my dosha
15 Apr, 2016
SylviaC's picture
Just what I needed thanks Nana. I especially loved the relaxation with the humming bee breath :)
3 Apr, 2016
charlottemay@talktalk.net's picture
This is wonderful class which I much appreciate. I am well stretched, energised and happy in a way which promotes a gentle and soft approach to life. Thank you Nanna
5 Mar, 2016
MelC's picture
A really relaxed way to start my day. Thanks Nanna
3 Mar, 2016
debslou's picture
Beautiful class thank you Debs F
2 Mar, 2016
joanredfern's picture
Thank you Nanna for these beautiful Pitta and Vata classes. I teach seated Dru yoga classes for seniors and there are some lovely bits in both these classes I will be able to use. I have used the lotus mudra in my classes before so thanks for the reminder to use this mudra again. Much Love Joan Redfern


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