Anouschka |

Anouschka Dack

Dru Yoga Teacher Trainer & tech wizz

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We've found 24 class(es) for you

Bhumi Flow
Anouschka Dack  & Aja Krystall   34 mins
Attuning to both the power and fragility of Mother Earth, this new sequence combines the grace of the... Read more...
Bhumi Flow 2
Anouschka Dack   53 mins
In the class Bhumi Flow, we learnt a new sequence dedicated to Mother Earth which helps us... Read more...
Boosting energy levels - Anouschka
Anouschka Dack   5 mins
Following on from 'What is Energy?', Anouschka shares her 7 top tips to boosting your energy levels... Read more...
Chakra Flow
Anouschka Dack   47 mins
This strong class stretches, nourishes and tones the whole body from top to toe! It's perfect... Read more...
Chakra relaxatoin with Anouchka
Anouschka Dack   33 mins
Harmonise and balance the energy body with this 30 minute guided relaxation.  
Chakra relaxatoin with Anouchka
Anouschka Dack   33 mins
Harmonise and balance the energy body with this 30 minute guided relaxation.  
Anouschka Dack
Anouschka Dack   5 mins
In yoga when we talk about relaxation, it is not really about lying on the couch watching TV!  A... Read more...
Anouschka Dack
Anouschka Dack   5 mins
In yoga when we talk about relaxation, it is not really about lying on the couch watching TV!  A... Read more...


Anouschka Dack

Dru Yoga Teacher Trainer & tech wizz
Anouschka Dack

I'm a Dru Yoga teacher trainer, holistic therapist and Energy Field Healer, living in the beautiful mountains of Snowdonia, North Wales.

I have been teaching yoga for over 14 years and in that time have come to love the flowing movements of Dru Dance as well as the stillness of yoga nidra or "yogic sleep".

I am also one of the main people behind the scenes at Dru Yoga Online. I've been filming, editing, scripting, designing, building and emailing you for many years... so we thought it was about time I stepped in front of the camera - rather then just being behind it!






Articles, blogs and products

25 November, 2020
Are you focussing on the black dots?
Make sure you’re able to keep perspective on the beautiful bright white canvas rather than the tiny black dots... Read more...
24 May, 2020
Are you giving your power away
Every single person Oprah interviews asks the same thing once the camera stops rolling.... was that ok? How much are we giving our power away by seeking external validation? Learn about the Circle of Excellence!!!!   Read more...
30 September, 2020
Are you making intelligent choices?
Consider if the actions you are taking are really taking you towards your goals or... are you making choices that are detrimental to you? Read more...
17 September, 2018
Balance in Times of Change - Part 1 - The path of equanimity
Balance in times of change Part 1 - The path of equanimity Change can be really exciting - a time of new energy, new growth and anticipation, but it is also inherently unstable. That sense of “not knowing” can make us feel uncertain... Read more...
