Rotated Triangle |

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Rotated Triangle

42 mins

Enjoy this great class exploring the Rotated Triangle in depth with Lalita.

This posture is grest for your digestion, toning your legs, opening the heart and improving your circulation. Learn how to adapt and make this posture work for your and your body - get the alignment right for you. Finish off with a short Makrasana leaving you feeling stretched, relaxed and ready to go!

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Members' comments:

8 Nov, 2015
joyousjulie's picture
Hi lalita. Thank you again for a fabulous class. I like the pecs stretch, going into it in stages and slowly really works daughter and I just did this and the mudra heaven and earth class and we feel open and alive now and have been for a bracing walk in the west wales Wind and wild rain Fantastic x
5 Oct, 2015
Lynda Statham's picture
Lynda Statham
Thank you. You have really helped me fully understand the power of the rotated triangle.
4 Feb, 2015
Kayostell's picture
Lovely activations then really helpful explanation and guidance into revolved triangle. Thank you. Lalita has a very pleasant tone and joy in her voice


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