
The 5 Elements, 3 - Air

Discover the greatness of this part of the field of consciousness - the part of you that knows how to move in any direction, to direct your awareness towards new and wonderful ideas, the part of you that knows how to allow the mind to become quiet. And in the midst of true Stillness, you may even hear the sound of the Infinite, the 'unstruck sound', the great Anahata.


Invisible Wheels (6): Ajna

Often referred to as the Eyebrow Centre or the Third Eye, the Ajna chakra is located behind the centre of the eyebrows near the pineal gland. The Sanskrit word means ‘command’ or ‘summoning’.

So in what sense is it the command centre? It is the centre where we connect to our intuition with clarity, and this  intuition then commands us to act, directing us on our path. It is the centre of our intellect and of the subconscious mind. For many it is the centre where we see beyond the material world, where some experience the psychic realm.

Exploring Fullness

In this mornings session we contemplate on what fullness means to us (and I don’t mean after a big lunch!) Completeness and a sense of deep inner connection is the essence of the Sanskrit word poornam or fullness.


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