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Nicky Heapy
Dru Yoga and / or Meditation teacher in Kadina SA South Australia Australia

Dru Yoga and meditation has become a way of life for me - I love the release, re-energization and relaxation Dru brings. It brings inner peace in a world of chaos.

How I can help you ...

I am a qualified Dru Yoga and Meditation teacher - I hold my classes at the Copper Coast Lifestyle Village in Moonta at 2.00 - 3.15 pm on a Tuesday in the Function Room. Awareness of breath combined with flowing movements bring about not only a flexible spine and body but also a peace and clarity of mind. We also have fun and people work to their own ability.



0421775250 - 08 88 211378



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drunetwork@dru.com.au +61 02 6161 1462

info@drunetwork.com +44 1248 602900 x 221