| DruYoga.com


Sheila Cameron
Dru Yoga and / or Meditation teacher in Oxford United Kingdom

My career has been mainly teaching management but I am also an executive and life coach and author. I 'found' yoga in India, when I was running an MBA there, and later 'found' Dru, which I find touches the parts other versions of yoga do not reach for me: at the end of a Dru practice I feel satisfied and refreshed and energised on a far deeper level. I trained as a teacher to supplement my coaching, but the yoga has taken over!

How I can help you ...

Normal classes on Friday mornings and early Tuesday evenings in a lovely barn in Wolvercote (North Oxford, right by Port Meadow). Because of Covid I now teach online on Wednesdays at 6.00pm and Fridays at 10 am (both'bite-sized, 35 minute classes) and weather permitting at 7.00pm (max 5 people) out of doors.
No experience of yoga needed and you can pay lesson by lesson. (Zoom classes currently free.)



01865 558212



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