Annie Jones | Page 3 |


Annie Jones

Transform your life and help change our world.


Co-founder, International School of Dru Yoga

As co-founder of Dru (UK), Director of the Dru Yoga Online Studio, a nutritionalist, Ayurvedic Consultant and Live and Dry Blood Analyst Annie is one of the main architects of Dru Yoga in the 21st century.

Annie is co-author of 'Dru Yoga Stillness in Motion', the source-book for Dru Yoga. She has been teaching yoga & meditation for over 30 years and has pioneered health and yoga programmes in schools, businesses and community organisations throughout Britain. She is passionate about providing tools and techniques to help others become totally empowered, vibrant and successful in all areas of their lives. 

A Nutritionist and Ayurveda consultant, Annie is an expert in determining your personal constitution and providing a nutrition, supplement, yoga and meditation practice with appropriate lifestyle advice to ensure a perfect pathway to excellent health and well being. Annie adds a specialist skill to her health programmes with ‘Live and Dry Blood Analysis’ (see below for info). 

As the director of the Dru Yoga Online Studio, Annie has filmed over 80 sessions on yoga, meditation, health and nutrition as well as invite many other health experts to make the best of their skills available to you, 24/7. She has appeared on numerous television and radio programmes and is the presenter of ‘Boundless Energy’, a 6 week online nutrition course. 
As a trustee of The World Peace Flame charity in the UK, Annie helps to promote many peace making initiatives including the Peace Education package for schools 'Peace in your hands'.


Book: Stillness in Motion
6 week on line Nutrition course

To contact Annie drop her an email at:




Ayurveda & Ayurvedic consultations
Ayurveda translated means to understand your real nature. We are all unique and powerful. Ayurveda helps you to discover your personal constitution and works out a health plan based on this that suits your needs directly. You may be combination of the following: 

>   Vata - creative, outgoing and enjoy change and variety 

>   Pita - dynamic, passionate with an attention to detail

>   Kapha - steady, grounded and caring. 

Ayurveda says that we re born with a unique blueprint. This may change as we age. A key is to help you return to your original nature. It discovers this through questions, body analysis, tongue and pulse diagnosis. A unique nutrition plan, supplements, therapy programme, yoga and meditation practice and specific lifestyle advice will all help to re boot your innate healing response allowing your body and mind to re establish it's original nature. The result is that you feel happier, more energised, sleep improves, conditions such as poor digestion, arthritis, weight issues become manageable.

What is Live and Dry Blood Analysis?

Our blood is the vital fluid of life. Its condition is of paramount importance to the state of our health. Blood is responsible for transporting and delivering oxygen and nutrients to every cell in the body, and for picking up carbon dioxide and waste products for delivery to the organs of elimination. It also carries the immune system's white blood cells that are responsible for keeping us free of the pathogens that make us ill.

In a live blood analysis consultation a drop of blood taken from a finger prick is examined under a darkfield microscope. Annie then evaluates the sample from a health and nutrition point of view. The blood picture is seen on a computer screen and together you can view and discuss what you see. The process helps us to see our immediate internal health picture including acid/alkali state, hydration, ability to break down fats and proteins and much more. It is a powerful medium to keep actively assessing how your nutrition and lifestyle is affecting you, what is working and what may need adjusting from day to day.