Andrew Wells | Page 4 |


Andrew Wells

Your Meditation Mastery tutorial time choice is 7 pm


"The soul loves to meditate, for in contact with the spirit lies its greatest joy."

Paramhamsa Yogananda

Thanks for choosing Monday at '7 pm' (British Summer Time) for your tutorial group time. 

We’ll be in touch with you soon! 


We're excited to be on this remarkable journey of discovery with you.



Your Meditation Mastery tutorial time choice is 'either time'


"The soul loves to meditate, for in contact with the spirit lies its greatest joy."

Paramhamsa Yogananda

Thanks for your flexibility in choosing 'Either time' for your tutorial group time. 

You will be in either:

  • Monday at 7 pm BST (19.00 hrs) or
  • Tuesday at 11 am BST

Times are in BST (British Summer Time)

We’ll be in touch with you soon! 


We're excited to be on this remarkable journey of discovery with you.


The 5 Elements, 3 - Air

Discover the greatness of this part of the field of consciousness - the part of you that knows how to move in any direction, to direct your awareness towards new and wonderful ideas, the part of you that knows how to allow the mind to become quiet. And in the midst of true Stillness, you may even hear the sound of the Infinite, the 'unstruck sound', the great Anahata.



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