Wisdom | Page 8 | DruYoga.com



hand holding buttercup


Food for your soul

Bhagavad Gita with Rita


Nourish your heart

Dru Golden Eagle Sequence at sunrise on the beach


Light for your heart

Yama (5): Aparigraha


Aparigraha is the last of the Yamas and possibly one of the greatest opportunities for inner peace and freedom...  What does it mean? Non-hoarding, non-possessiveness, non-seizing... are we acquiring and holding on to things which we do not need?

There is a famous quote by Mahatma Gandhi, “There is enough for everybody’s needs, but not for everybody’s greed.” Cultivation of Aparigraha is both the invitation and opportunity to look at our own lives and see how we collect or possibly even hoard things that we do not need.  


Yama (3): Asteya


The third of the Yamas is ASTEYA, non-stealing. ‘Thou shalt not steal’ is very familiar in our culture coming from the Christian tradition and being another very obvious part of the moral code shared by many traditions and cultures. 

We have laws which make theft of any kind... mugging, robbery, shoplifting etc... not forgetting copyright laws and patents... illegal. There are also laws regarding slander and libel which help protect people’s reputations. The legal system quite rightly punishes those who break the law.


Yama (2): Satyam


SATYAM is the second of Patanjali’s Yamas and it means TRUTH.

We all know what happened to Pinocchio when he told lies... Indeed honesty and truthfulness are virtues aspired to in all moral codes, for telling lies can have dire consequences, but let us delve into this concept a little deeper.



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