Wellbeing hub - Dru yoga, meditation, relaxation and ayurveda techniques | Page 4 | DruYoga.com


Wellbeing hub

Posted on 8 April, 2020
Nanna takes you through gentle restorative movements for your respiration.
Posted on 8 April, 2020
The purpose of the windmill is to open your chest and expand it so that you breath more openly and deeply. It also strengthen the diaphragm, stretches the neck muscles and loosens up the shoulder blades. Technique:
Stage 1
Listen and follow Christiane as she teaches you how to synchronise your breath with a gentle twist. Stage 2
Raise the right arm, then the left - a relaxed front crawl without the water! Note the simple pause between twists where you can simply hold of the breath momentarily. Keep working with the right side for a few breaths. Conciously opening and expanding the right side of your lungs Stage 3
Raise the right arm, then the left - a relaxed front crawl without the water! Note the simple pause between twists where you can simply hold of... more
Posted on 29 March, 2020

Chandra Goswami introduces you to the remarkable Vertical Alignment Breath, which brings stillness and calm - while making you feel strong and empowered! It's great to have a simple technique to bring you back to your centre that you can do literally anywhere. 
The earth is in your hands
Posted on 12 January, 2020
The bushfires have been impacting millions of people either directly or indirectly in Australia and worldwide.  In Australia we all seem to know someone who is affected.  Sometimes it takes a crisis to bring out our humanity. Walls come down between neighbours who don’t know each other until they are thrown together to support one another. The global outpouring of love and support from the world to Australia takes this to an even higher level.  Many of our Dru yogis who are experiencing the fires firsthand are reaching for Dru tools to help them cope. Others are helping in very practical ways.  Caring people are donating goods or funds, some are helping in evacuation centres or supporting injured or homeless wildlife while others are sheltering evacuees.  We have many practices that... more


Posted on 18 November, 2019
Poor posture is the cause of approximately 90% of neck and back problems, resulting in weakness in the postural muscle groups particularly around the trunk, shoulder blades and neck. Recent research has shown that many people who have had episodes of lower back pain still have significant muscle weakness many months after the pain has gone. This tends to be in the deep stability muscles, including transversus abdominis and lumbar multifidus. The Complete Spinal Alignment Sequence is an effective sequence of movements to strengthen these deep postural muscles. It can, therefore, help to eliminate spinal pain resulting from faulty posture, as well as to maintain strength and health in the spine of any individual. This preventative action is especially important nowadays when we spend so... more
Posted on 29 March, 2019
I went from a ground-breaking 20 year career in engineering to a Dru Yoga teacher quite seamlessly. There weren't many women in my field—I was an engineer and then production manager and then one of the first senior managers working in change management. Once I had the kids there was something inside of me that wanted to nurture them. There was a lot of travelling in the kind of work that I did and I couldn’t continue to do that unless my kids were in day care or with a nanny. So I decided to park my career and train as a Dru Yoga teacher while a stay-at-home mum. When I was looking to do the Dru Yoga course my... more
Posted on 27 March, 2019
A car accident left 35 year old Jess Ward from Bradford in despair with severe back pain for 3 years.  “The side effects from strong painkillers were unbearable,” says Jess, “So I went in search for a more holistic methods of healing. Dru Yoga’s effectiveness against back pain has since been scientifically proven, but I found out about it by chance.
“Before I tried Dru Yoga I would wake in agony. I bought chopped vegetables as I couldn't stand up to chop them, I couldn't sit down for more than a few minutes without being in pain. Walking slowly and laying down were my best options.
“I... more
Posted on 1 August, 2018
One of the most famous sequences that everyone knows, across all styles of yoga, is Surya Namaskara. Why? On a physical level it stretches, tones, and strengthens our body AND it also brings light and vibrant energy into our mind and emotions too.  It’s said to be a very therapeutic sequence due to the healing qualities of light, and, with our focused intention we can enhance the power of light within us.  Here at the Studio we have many variations of the Sun Sequence – indeed you may have noticed we’ve made a bit of a feature on it over these past few months. Why? Because it can REALLY help you to transform your health at so many levels. All you need to do… is DO it regularly!
Do a Sun Sequence Challenge… One of the best ways to ensure you do your yoga practice... more
Posted on 12 March, 2018
Brain health is definitely the topic of the day. With the number of people with dementia in the UK forecast to rise to 1 million by 2025, and not just within our older population, actively maintaining a healthy brain and sharp memory is essential. A recent study has found a new link between a lower fitness level and faster deterioration of vital nerve fibers in the brain. The deterioration results in cognitive decline, including memory issues characteristic of dementia patients. In today's video Louise talks about one of the best daily workouts - Surya Namaskar - the Sun sequence.  This dynamic 12 posture sequence strongly aids in preventing memory loss, builds focus and concentration and  improves the functioning of the brain. It also refreshes all the body organs and body systems... more
Posted on 25 January, 2018
What if your mind could reach the shores of your body and turn your consciousness inward,  to explore the true experience of Dru yoga? Then the Extended Lateral Triangle pose is one way to bring this into reality for you. yoga-pos-triangleWe stand on them every day, yet can be surprised by how much we take our legs for granted. It’s easy to forget their power and grace, especially if you have bad knees or tight hamstrings or aching feet. I have found that during those times when you’re feeling disconnected from your lower half, Trikonasana (triangle pose) can help bring you back.... more
