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Posted on 23 September, 2020
Posted on 21 September, 2020
Living your true purpose!

What is it your were born to be? Who is it you were born to become?
Posted on 18 September, 2020
Posted on 11 September, 2020

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Posted on 10 September, 2020
What are you working towards right now? Do you have any plans or projects?
Creating a new garden? Finding a new job? Moving house? A dream holiday? Running a marathon? Improving your health? Helping others in practical ways? Helping others to live better lives? Finding more peace and contentment in your own life? Seeking union with the Divine? Your goal may be material, practical, psychological or spiritual but if we intend to truly succeed at something in life then in addition to a clear vision, necessary skills, a degree of luck or good fortune it most definitely requires determination, hard work and a degree of discipline. Agreed? When we embark on a mission or a project we may start off with determination but there are often moments along the way when we lose our momentum, we... more

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Posted on 10 September, 2020
One of my favourite Niyamas...Contentment!  Life happens, storms rage, good times are followed by bad times, pandemics occur, we get ill, we have an accident, we see and hear things that anger us, we lose something or someone valuable, the washing machine breaks down...how wonderful would it be to remain calm and content throughout all of these things. Impossible? Well practice makes perfect... This is an observance which I am constantly practising, not always succeeding, but keeping it going! Here’s a guide to practising it:
Something disturbing happens, I overreact, I see that I have overreacted, I step back, I breathe, I let it wash away and I am content. Having awareness of our reactions can therefore be very important for if we don’t notice them things can so easily spiral... more

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Posted on 10 September, 2020
If the Yamas were all about putting our foot on the brake pedal then the Niyamas are about putting our foot on the accelerator! The first of the Niyamas is Saucha, meaning purity or cleanliness. This refers to both the body and the mind. Keeping the body clean is not simply about washing thoroughly every day, it also involves taking exercise and ‘eating clean’. Obviously our yoga movements and sequences help to remove blockages and to keep the body in good condition. Getting out in the fresh air helps to purify our lungs, our blood and all our internal systems. Equally important is a good diet of freshly prepared food avoiding processed foods as much as possible. Taking a shower not only cleans the outside of our bodies but can also help to wash away any ‘bad energy’ we might have... more
Posted on 7 September, 2020
Take a deep breath and reconnect with your meditation practice. 
Posted on 4 September, 2020
Let’s start at the very beginning...Patanjali was a wise dude who lived in India a long time ago and who knew a lot about yoga! He passed on his wisdom through his Yoga Sutras. A sutra is a useful device, a short burst of words which is able to convey an awful lot to the listener or reader. He also usefully put together a simple structure for those of us on our yogic path which we call the Eight Limbs of Yoga: The Eight Limbs of Yoga are:  Yamas Niyamas Asana Pranayama Pratyahara Dharanam Dhyana Samadhi  The Yamas are composed of restraints which help us to effectively "control" or direct our life.  The Yamas are: Ahimsa (non-violence), Satyam (truth), Aparigraha (not wanting what others have), Brahmacharya (building energy), and Asteya (not stealing) The Niyamas give us... more
Posted on 31 August, 2020
