Gayatri Mudra sequence |


Gayatri Mudra sequence

Welcome! This special sequence is designed to bring light to your mind and energy system. 

It's a special gift to you, and I hope it gives you a wonderful way to connect to your inner self - and then let the energy from your inner core illuminate your mind and energise your prana.

Based on the same energetics of the Gayatri mantra, the sequence is designed to be used... well, whenever you want to touch the light of your own inner core! It's particularly beneficial as a preparation for meditation, and with practice will help you quickly arrive in deep stillness.

All my love to you,


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16 Apr, 2020
Dr Melanie Jones
A super sequence to concentrate the mind in these Corona times. Just enjoying the time to get back to these wonderful mudras and this sequence really helps me focus on my DRU stillpoint for peace and calm. Thank you Lalita for sharing this with us. Melanie
18 Oct, 2017
Thanks Lalita, This is a very helpful reminder of some of those tricky bridge transitions of the Gayatri Mantra Mudras. It also brings back happy memories of a wonderful weekend in Snowdonia. Thanks again. Andrew