Autumn equinox Ayurveda cleanse

 Registration is closed for this event
Dru Ayurveda guided detox program—3-hour Intro workshop covering the principles of Ayurveda and an overview of the detox program (recorded); 5 daily zoom Q&A check-ins, full menus, shopping list, recipes for 5 days of detox, chart of permitted and banned foods, with 5 x 20 min cooking demo videos for all meals

Re-set after the summer heat and prepare for winter!

A change-of-season, gentle kitcheri-based cleanse, in the comfort of your home, supported and encouraged by kindred spirits

Detox body and mind, boost energy, reset digestion and improve immunity in preparation for winter

In only 5 days you’ll feel aligned with nature’s cycles, clearer, healthier and renewed

Seasonal change, heralded by the Autumn equinox on March 21st, alerts our mind and bodies that we need to shift gears to keep functioning at our best.

After the excesses of Christmas and our summer holidays, when we might have overindulged in rich, non-seasonal imported delicacies, ice creams and barbecues, or been too close to the fridge during lockdownthis is the time of year our liver, gall bladder and intestinal tract yearn for a good cleanse.­

Detoxing at the autumn equinox makes sure we don't dry out to much, like the autumn leaves, by rebalancing accumulated summer heat and the approaching dryness of autumn.

Join us on this gentle  cleanse at home to keep our bodies and minds functioning at their very best, during this time of seasonal change.

The Autumn cleanse will be great for you if you are feeling

  • a little bit heavy and sluggish after too many weeks close to the fridge while working from home!
  • ready for a post summer holiday cleanse, in preparation for winter
  • congested—with signs of lymphatic congestion, water retention or sinus congestion
  • generalised aches and pains
  • stiff joints
  • bloating, wind, constipation, heartburn, acid reflux, diarrhea  or constipation
  • mild fatigue
  • lack of mental clarity
  • irregular or impaired appetite

This Dru Ayurveda gentle cleanse is for you if you

  • are ready to release yourself from craving unhealthy unseasonal foods
  • are committed to prioritising your health for 5 days 
  • are self-directed and have self-discipline to follow the detox menus and program—
    don’t worry it’s easy!
  • you have time in your days to cook the special detox kitcheries with accompanying condiments
  • need a programme that fits in with your family life
  • have no major work commitments or events on the 5 days of the detox
  • have no serious medical issues

What the Autumn equinox cleanse provides

  • a quick quiz for us to determine the current imbalances of your doshas (constitution)
  • 3-hour introductory workshop explaining key ayurvedic principles and the detox@home program (available as a recording if you are unable to attend live)
  • full menus for your 5-day detox, with recipes and shopping list 
  • 4 x 20 min cooking demo videos, full of tips to create the detox recipes with ease, available on vimeo  to watch in your own time
  • bonus cooking video with additional recipes specifically for the autumn detox
  • chart of foods permitted during the gentle detox and those to avoid
  • daily yoga and pranayama program to fuel your digestive fire, unwind your nervous system, quieten the mind, de-stagnate the lymph and increase detox benefits  
  • 5 daily zoom Q&A forums, to check-in with your tutors Mouli & Greg, and be supported and inspired by like-minded souls sharing this detox journey
  • membership in a Whatsapp forum to keep connected over the curse of the detox, to share ideas and inspirations, and post questions 

What if I cannot do all 5 days with the zoom connections?

The detox@home program takes place in the company of a like-minded community with 5 nights of live Q&A hosted by Dru Ayurveda tutors & health coaches Greg and Mouli, with support from the Dru Australasia Ayurveda team. 

  • We recommend that you immerse yourself in the detox over the 5 days 21st to 25th March, as this time around the autumn equinox, is the best time to prepare yourself for the change of season. Checking in each evening at 7pm gives the support, encouragement and inspiration of knowing you are not doing this on your own. We also fully support any individual challenges. 
  • However, if you can only make a few of the zoom connections it's OK too. 
    If you’re not able to attend live, you can post your questions to our Whatsapp detox group, and the tutors will respond. 

Not sure whether it's for you?

  • Scroll down below to the Testimonials section to read the benefits our detoxers have experienced
  • or email for more information

We’ll be offering the detox again in spring, with the introductory workshop on Sunday 11th September, and the detox days 19–23rd September, so keep those dates free to join us next time!

The instructions and advice presented by the Dru Ayurveda team for the autumn  cleanse at home are not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical care. 

21st Mar 2022, 14:00 to 25th Mar 2022, 20:00
Online streaming and zoom—wherever you have access to a computer or phone
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Event Fee(s)
Full price: 3 hr intro, 5-day program with cooking videos A$370.00
DPN & concession price A$296.00
50% offer—for return detoxers A$185.00
Bring a friend / I am a friend A$296.00
Event Region
Dru Admin Region Australia
Global region Australasia
Event info
Event or Course code
SEO friendly url aus-dru-yoga-ayurvedic-cleanse-at-home-program-autumn22
Event strand Dru Yoga, Ayurveda, General
Prices and booking info

Prices and booking

To ensure we care well for everyone on the program, places are limited

$ 370—full price

$ 185—50% discount offer for repeat loyal detoxers:
—for those who have participated in any of our previous detox@home programs

$ 296—DPN & concession discount

$ 296—Bring a friend  
— let your friends know and invite them to join this event for $296 when they register

Sunday 13 March 2022
Intro workshop, live online
2–5.30 pm Key Ayurvedic principles, Why detox? Intro to the autumn cleanse program

Mon 21 through to Friday 25 March 2022
5 supervised days of cleanse 
7.00pm–8.00pm AEST, evening zoom forum to check in with your tutors and other participants 

When you register and book in you’ll receive a welcome email with e links to everything you need to participate:

  • an online health questionnaire to help us assess your dosha & current imbalance? 
    Please follow the link, complete and submit by Monday 8th March
  • zoom link for the Sunday 13th workshop and for the 5 live Q&A check in sessions, 21–25th March
  • a resource folder on Google drive with pdfs of the shopping list, menu plans, 5-day cleanse program, all recipes, and chart of permitted foods
  • vimeo links for all 5  cooking videos

If you cancel up to 48 hours before the program commences (because of illness or some other unforseen circumstance) then we give you the option of transferring the event fee to a future Dru event.

If you are unable to be present for the introductory workshop on Saturday, we offer the option listen to the recording

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Mouli MacKenzie

Dru Ayurvedic Health Coach, Co-founder of Dru Ayurveda in Australasia
International Dru Ayurveda, Yoga and Meditation Tutor
Western Australia Regional Manager of Dru Australasia
Head of Dru Australia Graphics & Publications

Mouli has been part of the Dru team since 2005. With her background in yoga and book design and production she has worked with International Dru teams, coordinating development and production of the manuals for Dru's flagship courses—Yoga, Meditation, Dance, Kids & Teens, Pre-natal, and the Dru Ayurveda Foundation & Health Coach Diploma courses.

I am passionate about sharing the wisdom and practices of Dru and Ayurveda, to rebalance individual's health and lifestyle and re-connect with our joyous true nature.

Simple lifestyle and dietary changes, combined with specific yogic practices and Ayurvedic herbs and therapies support wellbeing, positive healthy choices and inner strength. In consultation, Mouli will guide your personal daily routine to overcome challenges of body and mind, and generate more energy for inner connection and purposeful living. 


Greg Carlin

Combining many years in hands-on health care with a qualification as an Ayurvedic Diet and Lifestyle Consultant, Greg brings a wealth of experience to helping people create a balanced approach to wellbeing.

By giving us the tools to understand our distinctive constitution, Ayurveda can help us to identify any areas of our health that may be out of balance. We can then put together a daily approach to diet and lifestyle to increase energy, restore vitality and bring a sense of nourished calm to life.

In consultation, Greg applies the Ayurvedic approach to nutrition, yoga practice, therapies, herbs and lifestyle to explore your specific health status or condition.

Greg is a member of the teaching team for Dru Ayurveda in the United Kingdom and a co-founder of Dru Ayurveda in Australia.



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This six day program provides the guided practices, resources and inspiration to make the most of this time of seasonal change

Introductory workshop

2–4 pm  Key principles of Ayurveda

4–5:30 pm  Outlining the cleanse program—menus, recipes, lifestyle, herbs, yoga, pranayama, lifestyle and interactive daily forum. 

The detox! Nightly live zoom checkins, 7–8pm

Day 1 and Day 5—Going in gently and coming out gradually 

Day 2 and Day 4—Diving in deeper and graduated return

Day 3—Mono eating kitcheri for full detox 

Kitcheri, the nourishing, cleansing, easy-to-digest ayurvedic staple.
It is high in protein and is extremely comforting to your digestive tract and intestinal mucosa, beneficial for intestinal repair, rejuvenation and spiritual growth. We giving you recipes for four different kitcheri's, complete with cooking videos.

On day three we mono-eat kitcheri, three meals a day. When you eat a mono diet, your body can focus the energy that normally goes towards digestion to cleansing and healing other systems.

Our 5-day meal plan is a truly transformative option for both your body’s detox process and your psychological relationship to food. 

Always eat your largest serving of kitchari midday, when your digestion is the strongest. For dinner, eat early and eat a smaller serving. 

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Health considerations

before you start the detox it is important to complete the online questionnaires:

  • Whats my dosha and my vrkritti?
  • health questionnaire

Please note that by booking in for this short detox program you agree to take full responsibility for your own health and wellbeing.

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‘It was a valuable experience for my digestion and my mind. The food and daily routines were simple to apply, and have brought a new steadiness into my heart, mind and body. A good mix of info, movement, and sharing videos and zoom sessions.’ Jane Dru Yoga and Dru Meditation teacher

‘The detox at home was so easy to follow and the food delicious. Easing into the 5 days and then easing out made the experience very doable. I didn't feel hungry very often, and when I did, I just had an extra bowl of kitcheri. Yummy!Mouli & Greg are both wonderful and supportive. Very empowering and nourishing to the soul.’ Bev retired registered nurse/social worker

‘I LOVED the five evening catch ups on zoom, the sessions were the magic ingredient… some of the most positive zoom experiences I have ever had—so heart warming. Everyone was supportive, respectful, kind and gentle with each other. The 1 hour flowed so smoothly thanks to Mouli and Greg being fabulous hosts. PERFECT!’ Kathryn life coach, counsellor & mentor

‘It was wonderfully nurturing opportunity to come back to myself. I will definitely do a detox like this with every equinox.’ Olga, yoga teacher, online chat host

‘Absolutely brilliant! If you are looking for something to help you rebalance yourself physically, bring more emotional awareness into your life, deepen your connection to your Self and others, I found the spring detox experience gave all of these things and so much more. This is the gift that keeps on giving.’
Fiona, K–12 teacher, Dru yoga instructor, home schooling mother

‘Excellent. Throughout the whole process you knew that expert support was available & readily accessible.’ Julie, Wellbeing centre and yoga tutor

‘Far exceeded my expectations. I would say it was transformative. If you are needing to reset and rejuvenate consider the Dru Ayurveda detox@home program. I thoroughly enjoyed all the delicious food, the cooking instructions, the invaluable support from the tutors and the connection with a community of like minded souls on the same journey. Thank you, thank you, thank you!’ Nicky, Dru Yoga teacher, True Equanimity Yoga

‘I have done an amapachana detox twice before but found this Dru detox was by far the best detox ever. I think the group participation, support from tutors and students made it easier and fun. The feeling of isolation and separation was minimal and knowing that there were others experiencing challenging times too was reassuring. I was inspired by fellow participants and more motivated to succeed and wanted to encourage others to cross the finishing line together. Yay we did it! Thank you so much for being a catalyst for improving lives and the planet.’ Margot, yoga and meditation teacher

‘A fabulous program to gently guide and inspire you to make gentle Ayurvedic lifestyle changes to improve your overall health and wellbeing. A fabulous opportunity to reset your life through the wisdom of Ayurveda. I highly recommend the detox program to others.’ Kathryn, life coach, counsellor & mentor

Yoga training hours
Meditation training hours
Ayurveda training hours