
APD - Manomaya Kosha

Specially for students of the Advanced Practitioner Diploma, join Andrew for a quick overview of how to access the Manomaya Kosha - especially after accessing the Pranamaya Kosha. 

And while we're at it, here's some thoughts on the Chakra Chart.

Any questions?  Please put them in your tutorial group's WhatsApp chat, or send them to apdcourseadmin@druworldwide.com. We're here to support you!

How Dru Relaxation and Nidra work

Jane and Andrew explore the advantages of Dru Relaxation and Nidra - in depth!
Discover how it boosts your physical body, as well as putting your pranic and emotional bodies back into the flow of life. When you cease being activating to your body-mind system it begins to relax back into its natural state. And within that you have access to the natural currents of life force and vitality throughout body, emotions, mind and soul. 

How Andrew used Yoga Nidra in his healing journey

Welcome! Andrew explores the power of Yoga Nidra in his healing journey, and how it might help you this week.

Yoga Nidra events in the next few days

We're celebrating the power of Yoga Nidra with two very special events. On Wednesday I'm leading a masterclass on Yoga Nidra and Abundance


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