unique style of yoga

Dru Yoga

Dru's uniquely accessible approach to yoga helps you quickly arrive in a state of warm, restful, empowering connection - with your greatest self. You gain the depths of yoga's ancient wisdom in the context of modern science.

Supported by research, Dru Yoga guides you toward self-mastery with courses for all levels of experience and teacher training.

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unique style of yoga

Dru Yoga

Combining ancient wisdom with modern science, offering accessible practices for deep relaxation and well-being. Supported by research, Dru Yoga guides individuals toward empowerment and self-discovery through online courses and teacher training.

It's Safe & Effective

Dru Yoga is based on a foundation of safety, effectiveness and accessibility. Dru shows you how to prepare your body and use core stability and alignment properly.

It's Evidence-Based

In clinical trials, Dru Yoga has shown to increase energy levels, maintain a healthy back, improve resilience to stress, enhance emotional well-being and reduce sickness absence.

It Takes You Deeper

Discover the subtle energetics of yoga through the koshas. You can even delve into the science of yogic spirituality to find greater purpose and meaning through your practice.

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Dru Yoga is one of the very best forms of mind/body yoga. It's shown to transform negative thinking and disempowering emotions. There has never been a greater need for this in society in today’s world. With Dru you are choosing to impact yourself, other people and the planet.

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Designed to be practised by people of all abilities, fitness levels and age groups it can be quickly dipped into or learned in depth over a lifetime.

With its foundations set firmly in the ancient yogic tradition, Dru Yoga's therapeutic five-kosha approach rejuvenates and empowers your whole being.

Comprehensive training manuals and access to an international community and peer learning opportunities
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Designed to be practised by people of all abilities, fitness levels and age groups it can be quickly dipped into or learned in depth over a lifetime.

Dru Yoga is one of the very best forms of mind/body yoga. It's shown to transform negative thinking and disempowering emotions. There has never been a greater need for this in society in today’s world. With Dru you are choosing to impact yourself, other people and the planet.

With its foundations set firmly in the ancient yogic tradition, Dru Yoga's therapeutic five-kosha approach rejuvenates and empowers your whole being.

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Comprehensive training manuals and access to an international community and peer learning opportunities
what we offer

How is Dru Yoga different?

Accessible for Everyone

Anyone can Dru it! Dru Yoga is one of the most adaptable forms of yoga on the planet, suitable for everyone from wheelchair users to football players, and young to old. It can be easily modified to meet the needs of any individual.

Transformative Mind/Body Practice

Dru Yoga is exceptional in transforming negative thinking and disempowering emotions. It provides a powerful method to shift your mindset and cultivate positivity, enhancing both mental and emotional well-being.

Deep & Profound Relaxation

Access profound states of deep peace and relaxation with Dru Yoga. Whether through dynamic movements or restful poses, it serves as a potent antidote to stress, promoting overall tranquility and calm.

Heart-Based Healing

Dru Yoga strengthens the power of the heart. As a heart-based healing practice, it empowers you to care more deeply for yourself, other people, and the planet, fostering a sense of connectedness and compassion.

unique type of yoga

Dru Yoga benefits you emotionally, mentally and spiritually

Your Dru Yoga is highly likely to improve your relationships, give you a sense of purpose and a feeling of being connected to what’s important in your life.

Research into the benefits of Dru Yoga was conducted at the University of Bangor (UK). 48 employees were randomised into a yoga group and a wait-list control group.

The yoga group were given Dru Yoga for six weeks, given three 60 minute classes per week.  The wait-list control group received no intervention during the six week study but were offered free classes after the trial.  Before and after measurements were obtained with the Profile of Mood States - Bipolar, and the Inventory of Positive Psychological Attitudes.

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Dru Yoga participants recorded substantial increases in key areas of well-being

University of Bangor


Dru Research

Dru Research

Dru Yoga participants recorded substantial increases in eight key areas of well-being. Here are the results from a randomised control study into the effects of Dru Yoga

120 %

More composed -

less anxious

500 %

More clear minded -

less confused

240 %

More elated -

less depressed

270 %

More energised -

less tired

100 %

More agreeable -

less hostile

210 %

More confident -

less unsure

330 %

Life purpose and


650 %

Self confidence

during stress

the research

Evidence-Based Benefits of Dru Yoga

Dru Yoga is supported by scientific research demonstrating its amazing benefits.

Try Dru Yoga

Dru Yoga Dance

A dynamic form of Dru Yoga is this demonstration of "Ananda-antara Dance", which combines asana, mudra and power affirmations.

Manifest your Dreams

Use your yoga practice for more empowerment by aligning your entire self behind your goals and dreams.

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​​​​​​​Call Back Your Power

If you feel tired or drained perhaps you gave your power away in events, space, people or situations? Learn how to call it back.

get started

How Dru works

Dru is remarkably effective for healing your body and comes into its own when transforming emotions into positive and redesigning your mind. How does it all work?

The emphasis is on your awareness

Rather than competing to attain end-range movements and perfection of alignment, Dru's interest is in the quality of your awareness. Dru practitioners aim to create an inner alignment, when body, heart, mind and spirit all flow evenly and you feel like you're held in a magnificent moment of stillness and connectedness, touching your inner power.

Redesigning all layers of awareness

The ancient yoga system describes five layers of our experience: body, prana, emotions, intellect and spirituality. Dru practitioners particularly enjoy calling upon the healing potential of each of these layers in a dynamic flow throughout their practice.

You might start by moving your body with clear attention on the ripple of muscles and shape of spine and structure. Simultaneously you might be aware of the state of your consciousness in and around your body - that's your pranic layer. And then to add power to your transformation you'd place your attention within your emotional body; calling healing emotions into your life. Deep inner knowings and affirmations bring your techniques to life... and finally you're likely to enter a deep abiding stillness - and that's where the magic starts!

Dru Yoga participants recorded substantial increases in key areas of well-being
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Core stability

One of the reasons Dru is so remarkable for healing back problems is it's expertise in helping you develop your core stability. Gentle movements and awareful strengthening - with these it's remarkable how quickly you can improve your back, your posture, your breathing and your feeling of being supported in this beautiful world.

Energy Block Release sequences

Just as a house needs electricity to power all its appliances, so the body requires a constant supply of prana, or energy, to enable the organs to function well. Energy flows freely through the body when our lives are harmonious and we express ourselves easily.

get started

How Dru works

Dru is remarkably effective for healing your body and comes into its own when transforming emotions into positive and redesigning your mind. How does it all work?

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The emphasis is on your awareness

Rather than competing to attain end-range movements and perfection of alignment, Dru's interest is in the quality of your awareness. Dru practitioners aim to create an inner alignment, when body, heart, mind and spirit all flow evenly and you feel like you're held in a magnificent moment of stillness and connectedness. Touching your inner power.

Redesigning all layers of awareness

The ancient yoga system describes five layers of our experience: body, prana, emotions, intellect and spirituality. Dru practitioners particularly enjoy calling upon the healing potential of each of these layers in a dynamic flow throughout their practice.

You might start by moving your body with clear attention on the ripple of muscles and shape of spine and structure. Simultaneously you might be aware of the state of your consciousness in and around your body - that's your pranic layer. And then to add power to your transformation you'd place your attention within your emotional body; calling healing emotions into your life. Deep inner knowings and affirmations bring your techniques to life... and finally you're likely to enter a deep abiding stillness - and that's where the magic starts!

Dru Yoga participants recorded substantial increases in key areas of well-being

Energy Block Release sequences

Just as a house needs electricity to power all its appliances, so the body requires a constant supply of prana, or energy, to enable the organs to function well. Energy flows freely through the body when our lives are harmonious and we express ourselves easily.

Core stability

One of the reasons Dru is so remarkable for healing back problems is it's expertise in helping you develop your core stability. Gentle movements and awareful strengthening - with these it's remarkable how quickly you can improve your back, your posture, your breathing and your feeling of being supported in this beautiful world.

dru’s foundation sequence

Energy Block Release 1

EBR 1: Not only will this sequence provide a full body warm-up but will also help balance mind and emotions. This Foundation Sequence is a great way to get energy flowing more freely through the body and bring you to a place of deep inner stillness.

What happens to blocked energy?

Energy Block Release sequences are powerful, effective and graceful

Kids and Teens course

Blocked energy lodges itself first in our joints. If it isn’t released, it goes deeper and settles in the muscles and from there into the internal organs. Unless discharged it will eventually create an environment in which disease can develop.

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Blending ancient wisdom with modern science to promote balanced living

University of Bangor


Causes of energy blocks
  1. Inadequate exercise
  2. Poor posture
  3. Stiff muscles and joints
  4. Negative thought and
  5. behavior patterns
  6. Unexpressed thoughts and emotions
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What happens to blocked energy?

Releasing trapped energy

Dru Yoga EBR sequences are carefully designed movement programmes that work systematically through the body to release tension and clear energy blockages.

The freed energy is then available to be used to heal the body and empower the mind.

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What happens to blocked energy?

Harness the energy of emotions

Dru practitioners consider e-motions to be Energy in Motion. Transforming painful emotions into positive is hallmark of Dru, with techniques tried and tested in war zones.

All experiences in your psyche are simply energy - neither positive nor negative - just waiting to be channelled towards your higher nature. Yoga postures and meditation techniques then enable you to focus your awareness with laser-like precision to create the transformations you'd like to achieve.

Relaxation & Renewal

Dru Yoga combines activation, energy block release sequences, asanas, and deep guided relaxation to create a profound sense of well-being. You'll feel blissfully relaxed and renewed after each session.

Increase Your Energy

Experience a surge of vitality with Dru Yoga. By releasing blocked energy through traditional hatha yoga postures, Dru Yoga revitalizes your body from the inside out, helping you feel energized and vibrant quickly.

Yoga for Every Body

Dru Yoga is accessible to all, regardless of age, shape, or size. There's no need to strive for the "perfect posture." We emphasize personalized practice, encouraging multiple ways to perform poses based on your unique abilities.



get started

Redesign your awareness

Western society has not quite yet discovered an incredible truth: you can reshape your awareness by using your movements and breath as a lens. This is an incredibly far-reaching statement to any yogi who has explored how postures can create their own signature shapes within your consciousness: and to give you a few of examples...

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Comprehensive training manuals and access to an international community and peer learning opportunities
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Dru relaxation techniques harness all the principles we've explored above to create profound transformation within. It's one thing to emerge from a Dru relaxation feeling warmly content and profoundly relaxed... and quite another to discover that you've actually relaxed yourself into a new you along the way!

Warrior 1

Brings earth awareness and strength to your heart.

Warrior 2

Converts this strength into empowerment.

Warrior 3

Channels this empowerment to your crown, aligning your whole life.



Crane Posture

Brings you poise, balance, and remarkable alertness.

Tree Posture

Aligns you with your innate purpose.

Why choose dru

Uniting ancient wisdom with modern techniques

Learn to harness the energies of all five layers of awareness: body, subtle energy, emotions, attitudes and spirit.

training yoga teachers for 40+ years

We’ve trained more than 4,000 yoga teachers, who’ve gone on to enhance the lives of nearly a million people.C

Understand life and find your purpose

Yoga’s chakra system will show you how to design your life in the arenas of abundance, relationships, projects, team-building, communication and living with day-to-day intuitive guidance.

Build life-long friendships

Dru Yoga teachers build empowered communities in their classes, at home, at work, and in whatever they do.

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What They Say About Dru Yoga

More then 3000 people have been helped by Dru Yoga and Meditation.

Take The Next Step

Online Classes 

At home or on the go your practice is your time - your moment - to breathe, slow down and connect. Discover the magic of Dru Yoga here at the Studio.

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Live Masterclasses ​​​​​​

From back health to discovering your true purpose, don't miss our themed evening masterclasses. Taught by top Dru Yoga tutors.

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Teacher Training

Whether you plan to teach yoga, want to practise effectively by yourself at home, or would like to enhance your career as a therapist, the Dru Yoga course is for you.