How Dru Yoga Works with the Five Koshas

Dru Yoga works with the five layers of human experience, known as the koshas, to create a holistic approach to well-being. These layers are understood as interconnected sheaths that surround our true nature, and any change in one layer affects the others. Here’s how Dru Yoga works with each of the five koshas:
Annamaya Kosha
This is the physical body, also known as the sthula sarira, and it’s made up of food. It’s the most tangible layer—the one we’re most familiar with. This is the layer in which we act in the world. Dru Yoga uses physical postures (asanas), movements, and sequences to strengthen and align the body, improve core stability, and release tension. The practice also works with the different organ systems to support their health. The asanas and sequences are designed to improve circulation, promote flexibility and strength, and bring balance to the physical structure.
Pranamaya Kosha
This is the energy sheath, which corresponds to our physiology and life processes. It’s experienced as energy. Dru Yoga works with the breath (pranayama) to free more of the life force and control the flow of energy (prana) in the body. Specific breathing techniques are used to balance and direct this energy, resulting in good health and well-being. Energy Block Release (EBR) sequences are used to dissolve blockages in the energy flow, which have a potent effect on health at every level. The flowing postures and movement sequences also help us to relate to the rhythm and flow of life. The concept of energy and its application is one of the pillars of Dru Yoga. Techniques such as nadi shodhanam (alternate nostril breathing) help to bring the flow of prana under control.
Manomaya Kosha
This is the mental and emotional layer. Dru Yoga integrates practices that promote mental clarity, emotional balance, and a sense of well-being. The practice encourages students to be fully present and to enjoy their practice. It also includes relaxation techniques to calm the mind, release tension, and promote emotional stability. Dru Yoga works with the heart chakra to induce feelings of devotion, compassion, and love. The focus on core stability also helps build a heightened sense of positivity and empowerment. Techniques such as mudras (energetic seals) are also employed to balance emotions, hormones, and energy flow.
Vijnanamaya Kosha
This layer is related to wisdom and intuition. Dru Yoga supports the development of inner wisdom and the capacity to make clear and balanced decisions. Through practices like meditation and focused awareness, Dru Yoga encourages practitioners to access their intuitive insight and discernment. The practice of soma (moon) relaxation is specifically designed to help empower intuition and discrimination. The ajna chakra (third eye) is a point where the ida and pingala nadis meet, relating to the element of space, and is focused through the higher mind and intellect.
Anandamaya Kosha
This is the layer of bliss and pure joy. Dru Yoga ultimately aims to connect individuals with their true nature, which is described as a state of pure joy and bliss. By working through the other layers, Dru Yoga seeks to bring individuals to a state of equanimity and freedom from all conditions. The state of samadhi or super-consciousness is seen as the ultimate goal of yoga.
Through the integrated practice of postures, breathing, relaxation, meditation, and specific techniques like mudras, Dru Yoga creates a harmonious flow of energy throughout these layers. This integrated approach speeds up the process of deep transformation. The goal of Dru Yoga is to empower individuals to connect with their inner potential, achieve positive health and well-being, and experience a deep sense of connection with all of life.