Spirituality Mentoring – Exploring your Deeper Wisdoms – with Andrew

Welcome to a world beyond ‘the world’, a discovery of how to live life with rich connectedness and appreciation of the Divine wherever you find yourself.
In this invitation-only series of events, we’re continuing our Wisdom Sangha, or Advanced Spirituality Sangha. It’s possible for you to join if you are a dedicated spiritual seeker, yearning to know the deeper laws and principles of spirituality, eager to apply them throughout your every day life. Please contact Andrew if you would like to be part of this special adventure.
And for those of you continuing this journey, we’ve built a tremendous foundation of spiritual connectedness together! Within ourselves and between each other, we’ve discovered the wonders of real connection with the Divine and tasted inexpressibly beautiful moments of being supported by the living universe.
Now it’s time to harness this and explore the intrinsic joy and gratitude, love and wisdom of the actual experience of real connection with the Divine. We’ve built a foundation, now it’s time to construct a masterpiece!