Boundless Energy

Course Content
Imagine that feeling of boundless energy now – it’s like walking on sunshine!
Your body feels light, there is a spring in your step, your skin glows, your eyes smile, your mind is clear and focused. There is a greater confidence in your voice and presence. This all comes from simply having MORE ENERGY!
Our world in general looks a better place when we have more energy. It is not complicated. Our ability to engage with family, our attitude to work and how we deal with challenges improves dramatically.
My Boundless Energy course is designed to give you all you need to make life a richer and more meaningful experience. It is simply an invitation to BE.
BE – Boundless Energy
Course Content
Your 6 week course
The following 6 week course is split into 3 two week modules. This gives you 14 days to establish new patterns before starting the next stage. I have chosen subjects that are crucial and central to radiant health.
They invite you to look at your stress levels and lifestyle design, what foods and drinks may be causing you to gain weight and the effect of the ever-more chemical environment around us and that affects us.
The three modules include:
Imagine that feeling of boundless energy…
Module 1 – Stress buster
Learn about the main causative factors of stress in your life and the effect that this is having on your digestive system and body as a whole, right at a cellular level. The influx of the electrical world, travel and central heating is causing a rise in de-hydration. This is having dramatic effects on the major organs in the body, the heart, colon, kidneys and adrenals. I present a successful health programme to help you regain balance and improve energy levels.
Module 2 – Weight debate
Yes, I look at this epidemic health issue in a new and informative way, helping you to really understand the effects of two of the main culprits causing the rise in obesity and weight gain in general. They include fats and sugar (surprise!!). I include practical and manageable solutions of course!
Module 3 – De-tox revelation
We are surrounded by more and more things that are potentially harmful to the body, with the result that we put strain on the main de-tox organs of the body such as the liver and the skin. There are more chemicals in the food and drinks we consume, in the potions and lotions we put on our skin and in the air we breathe. This programme lets the lovely liver have the helping hand it needs in.
What do I get?
The course includes:
1. Three video lectures
Boundless energy course
Specifically designed movement & relaxation programmes
2. Six specifically designed movement and relaxation programmes, including:
- adrenal/kidney sequence
- 4 stage relaxation
- fat burner sequence
- energy boost sequences
- digestive aid sequence
- the liver sequence
3. Self analysis tests
- stress test
- sugar test
- liver test
4. Series of short eBooks
Boundless energy is available to you
Whether you are a banker – a busy parent – a student – a marathon runner, you will all improve your efficiency with more energy.
- benefits of relaxation
- benefits of hydration
- good fats and bad fats and where to find them
- supplements to support stress, weight and a de-tox process
- specific de-tox plans
- recipes for smoothies and juices
- acid/alkali food list
- health diary
Are you a fitness instructor?
Athletes and trainers alike can learn new ways to boost energy levels and vitality, hydrate and manage blood sugar levels when the body is under extra pressure.
Are you mentoring others in health and wellbeing?
Those of you who are coaching and mentoring individuals or groups in health and wellbeing can add new and exciting techniques to you repertoire for the benefit of your clients.
Are you a yoga teacher?
Healthy nutrition is a natural extension for those who practise yoga and for yoga teachers. Add these insights to your daily lifestyle and incorporate them into your classes.
Are you a therapist?
If you are a therapist, you are already in a position where you want to help others. This 6 week programme can add another string to your bow to help your clients.
Are you ready to enjoy radiant health & boundless energy?
Take the next step…