
Invisible Wheels (3): Manipura

I like to think of the Manipura chakra as our POWER centre. Located above the navel and below the diaphragm in the solar plexus region of the body, it is often called the solar centre.

Sometimes it is called the jewelled city or the lustrous gem. For those who see the colours of their chakras, we are moving from the orange of swadhisthana to the bright yellow of manipura. 

Whenever it is out of balance we may experience any of the following:


Invisible wheels (4): Anahata

The HEART centre. This is number 4 of the 7 main energy centres and plays a very important role in transforming energy from the lower centres (which have to do with the way we treat ourselves and those around us), up to our higher centres (which eventually connect us to the Universe or the spiritual realm or however we perceive it). The chakras gradually rise from the gross to the more subtle... as such, anahata or the heart chakra, is an enormously important centre to work with.


What is maya? Maya is illusion. It is a veil of illusion that is part of the creative power of Brahman – Brahman being the absolute reality that we have been talking about over the weeks.

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Welcome! We are on the journey of a lifetime together, a journey you started when you were born and will continue as long as you live: the journey to discover your Self.

We hope the resources on this page will help you on your journey. Together, we can not only make great strides forward in our own lives, but we can also add to the lives of countless other people. 

"You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean."
- Rumi



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