
Dru Meditations for the autumn

Dru Meditations for the Autumn

Yes, autumn is here again. We so often approach autumn with mixed feelings – it’s a bit like marmite – you either love it or you hate it. On the one hand, it’s the romantic season of ‘mists and mellow fruitfulness’, with beautiful colours in the trees, harvesting fruit, warm evenings and beautiful skies.  On the other, it signals the end of the summer and therefore the onset of the colder winter months – and so can be depressing time for many of us.

Dru Meditation for Headaches

We all experience headaches at one time or another, but for some the pain can be so great that they cannot function. The pain literally brings tears to their eyes. If this is you, try this Dru Yoga tip for life, Meditation for Headaches. Pain medications can be effective, but often carry side effects or work for a limited time and with a limited dosage, so it is useful to have other ways of managing the sensations.


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