
Forests for peace meditation

Here's a special gift for you! It's to say a big 'thank you' for your help towards creating Forests of Peace. Every tree you help plant is making a difference to our biosphere and our climate. It really means a lot!

This meditation aims to bring you the strength and life force of the forest. We've set it so you can download it* and watch it in the forest - or take it anywhere when you'd like to have a bit of forest inspiration. 

Overcoming the Obstacles to Meditation 

So many yoga enthusiasts tell me about their challenges in doing a regular meditation or yoga practice. Despite our best intentions, many of us find that life can get in the way, or we get distracted, and our practice is the first thing to suffer. As an example, here’s a typical morning in my house...

Prana and Pranayama

For many years we have explored the multitude of the physical benefits of yoga, and of course, the very calming effects of meditation. But maybe you, like me, have also heard whispers of ‘energy’ in your yoga class... Or perhaps you’ve felt something that was a little beyond the realm of the ‘normal’ and physical?

The World is actually becoming a better place

For many of us it’s been a challenging year. We’ve seen political turmoil, economic uncertainty and environmental instability and it's easy to feel depressed about the state of the world. 

Yet what really happened? And where are we headed? As yogis we try to look at every situation with an open mind. And the facts are rather surprising – when we examine the actual data, many aspects of the world, from violence to poverty, health to energy production, are actually improving.

Moving into your centre - mudra sequence

Welcome! This special sequence is designed to bring stillness to your mind and energy system. 

It's a special gift to you, and I hope it gives you a wonderful way to connect to your inner self.

The sequence brings a special kind of stillness. It's not just the quiet of calm... it's the kind of stillness that puts you in touch with your inner power. 

Earth Meditation

Say goodbye to stress

This 8 minute guided meditation track is virtually guaranteed to leave you deeply relaxed, soothed and at peace with your world, regardless of what state you started in.

What can I do to help make a difference in the world?

When humanity sets out to create unity the results are awesome. In fact when you look at the statistics, 99% of the world is at peace! Humanity has made stunning progress towards building unity, collaboration and health for all in the last 100 years... and when we build on this positivity we help it grow. 

So when we hear news of suffering, terrorism or poverty, perhaps the greatest thing we can do in response is to add positivity to the world. 

Here are just a few ideas for you - and feel free to add your own in the comments at the bottom of the page.


How to re-start your meditation practice

How to re-start your meditation practice


How often do we tell ourselves we'll keep a daily meditation practice going, but it’s so easy to simply fall out of the habit. Maybe you've had an illness or there's a change of routine like the summer holidays or at Christmas, or another life event we can’t control. We might just be too busy or stressed or upset to keep our practice going.

Dru Meditation - the Grounding Breath

Dru Meditation - the Grounding Breath

In today's world we can often feel scattered, not able to find clarity or any certainty in life. There may be nothing particularly traumatic or stressful in our immediate circumstances, but we just feel unsettled and unsure of our direction in life. In itself, this can create stress.

Dru Meditation - your FREE meditation video

Enjoy this free Sky meditation.  It's from the Dru Meditation dvd.

How easy it is to lose our perspective on life and some situation or issue can grow out of all proportion. We can get bogged down in the detail. The Dru Sky meditation helps you regain your perspective on life, broaden your vision, lift your eyes from a situation in which you are stuck, and see the larger perspective. Use it when you want to regain your enjoyment of life and all of those great things that are really important to you.


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