Wisdom | Page 6 | DruYoga.com



hand holding buttercup


Food for your soul

Bhagavad Gita with Rita


Nourish your heart

Dru Golden Eagle Sequence at sunrise on the beach


Light for your heart

Loving You


Loving you is so easy, dear Lord...Your love is everywhere, in everything...

When we gaze at the sun setting over the water, we see Your glory before us

Looking at an autumn leaf on the ground, we see Your care and attention to detail.

The tiniest spider exploring the bathtub permits us to see Your beauty

Looking up at the sky above us we see Your magnificence!

When waves crash against rocks and thunder rumbles and roars, we hear Your power


Counting your blessings

“Overcome the notion that you must be regular. It robs you of the chance to be extraordinary.” Uta Hagen

This morning take a few minutes to explore the different areas of your life and be grateful for all that you have already. Gratitude is one of the biggest secrets of manifestation...

Befriend the vital forces within you

Each fascinating character in the scriptures represents an internal aspect of your own inner world.

Through music, yoga, mantra, relaxation, meditation and profound insights, we aim to help you actually form a living relationship with these strong heros and sheros of your psyche.

We've all wondered why we find some things easy to do and other things really difficult.


Befriend the vital forces within you

Each fascinating character in the scriptures represents an internal aspect of your own inner world.

Through music, yoga, mantra, relaxation, meditation and profound insights, we aim to help you actually form a living relationship with these strong heros and sheros of your psyche.

We've all wondered why we find some things easy to do and other things really difficult.



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