Steps to Enlightenment | Page 5 |


Steps to Enlightenment

Claire Phillipson

Dru Yoga Teacher, Derbyshire

The decision to join the Spirituality of Yoga course came to me unexpectedly and after some hesitation. I'm so thankful that I did!
The practices have affected me, some very deeply, in a way that feels more certain and deep than anything else I've done; awakening new awareness but also drawing me back to long held understandings that had slipped from my life.  Most of all, at this time in my life, in the world, it has helped to experience deep stillness and steadiness, with a renewed compassion for my self as well as others.
On a practical level, the online course fits in easily with daily life, with a balance of learning, practice and space to absorb one thing before moving on.  The videos are all there to go over as many times as needed - and also to return to the energy of the live sessions.
The support throughout is amazing, steady, generous and infused with love, joy and a lot of laughter!  It's been wonderful to feel closer to our amazing tutors and the wider community on the course. I know this is another step in a lifelong process and I'm looking forward to the next stage of the journey....Thank you Dru!x

Michelle Marcuzzo

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Administrative Assistant & Dru Yoga Teacher, Australia
My experience of the Spirituality of Yoga course was that it was truly amazing!  Teachers of Dru and students alike, can really gain from the support and wisdom of this beautiful course.  It reminds us gently and realistically, of all of that we can aspire to and how to achieve it within our daily 'sadhana' setting, so that we can be 'true to ourselves', whilst offering more to others.   The extra support and guidance offered, before, during and after the course, if required, makes it even more remarkable.  I found it to be a wonderful course to do, particularly during these most challenging times.  I would recommend it to everyone.

Linda Griffiths

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I wasn't sure what to expect from the Spirituality of Yoga course, but so far it has surpassed anything I could have imagined,  I've always been in touch with nature but this course has given it an added dimension, I'm beginning to feel more at peace with myself and I'm looking forward to the rest of the journey

Kate Jones

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I would like to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you to everyone involved.  The community that every single one of you has contributed to is really special and I feel will move forward and do great things.  Thank you to those who shared your guidance and experience, and thank you to those who brought them tea while they were doing it and those that cleaned the rooms before and after.  I am very excited to move forward and develop xx

Mairi MacNaughton

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Clinical Manager /Person centred therapist, Glasgow
The Spirituality of Yoga course allowed me to connect back in with my self at a time when the external world had become very challenging and uncertain. Through the various tools and teachings from the course, It reminded me of the strength that lies within and the stillness that is there.  This  benefited me on a individual level but also my family and my colleagues and clients as I was able to share a sense of clarity and calmness back  into the workplace.

Steph Mayo

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The Spirituality of Yoga course has been a beautiful sacred experience, a sanctuary and a deeply nourishing space to take my journey into spirituality onwards and upwards. I have loved it all and have reached depths and heights in terms of understanding, insights and wisdom. Thanks from a grateful heart to all the team - the variety of teaching input has added considerable breadth to my knowledge and given practical tools to build and develop my Self. Loving appreciation to Lalita for hosting our supportive, inspiring zoom group. Thank you, thank you, thank you one and all of you beautiful people.

Catherine Evans-Jones

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Having come to the end of the Spirituality of Yoga adventure I am looking forward to taking this further. It was a truly beautiful experience shared with and offered by such open souls. We attuned with nature, nourished ourselves with uplifting yoga and meditation and were offered wisdom to weave into our daily lives. We met as like minded friends to discuss our practice devoting ourselves to explore our spiritual path. Thank you Dru I am so glad to be part of this journey.


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On the 5 day spirituality challenge leading up to this course, I realised I did not love myself. Since starting on the Spirituality of Yoga course and working with the practices, I have experienced a deep cellular healing, a shifting in my emotions, deepening into a sense of peace and quiet control/flow of life.

I have had so many realisations on this course; one in particular was a feeling of falling in love with my practice...and wondering if this could lead to an unconditional love commitment to myself to uphold a deeper consistent practice?....

Another insight was a deep self acceptance of where I am at now, giving myself permission to listen to my inner promptings and act on them; rather than see myself as failing when I don't meet my rigid expectations. A bit of freedom..

This course is a must for any spiritual seeker who is looking to deeply anchor and regularly maintain their spiritual practice. You will never look back as you create your own spiritual unfoldment and community to support and carry you forwards. I so look forward to our continuing journey. Thank you to all our Tutors for their sincere, joyful and ongoing commitment to helping us achieve spiritual greatness.

Leisa Edwards

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Yoga teacher, actress/performer and author, North Wales
My experience of the Spirituality of Yoga Course was immensely positive - it couldn't have come at a more perfect time. The live sessions/teachings were so uplifting and authentic. The depth of the tutor's knowledge and experience steered and navigated us with immense skill and care over the 3 weeks and I truly felt 'held' and supported each step of the way. The sense of community and connection created made me feel that I belong and that I'm not alone. This course is fuelled with years, decades of personal experience and knowledge/wisdom and I felt privileged to be a part of this sharing and this coming together. For anyone that feels 'lost' out there, I would urge you to reach out and welcome this amazing experience with open arms.


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