Window of Wisdom #34 with Patricia Brown in Australia 1 September 2021 |



Window of Wisdom #34 with Patricia Brown in Australia 1 September 2021

1 September, 2021
(Registration open till December 2021)

While you are at home, take 20 mins to be with Patricia in her series of Window of Wisdom talks.

The 34th Window of Wisdom will be on Wednesday 1 September 2021, 7.00 - 7.20 pm AEST  

(5.00 - 5.20 pm AWST, 9.00 - 9.20 pm NZST, 6.30 - 6.50 pm ASCT)

At each session she will give you a key teaching that can empower you during these unique and challenging times.

Scroll down for previous Window of Wisdom and Wisdom Evening sessions with Patricia

Dru Wisdom events are an opportunity to transform the way you live your day through the guiding philosophy and science of the yoga and meditation traditions. Learn more about creating a calm & steady mind or a powerful self-belief, how to avoid old patterns or why you react when you want to respond!
Like road maps for life to help guide you to the best version of yourself, "A-Ha" moments are a certainty!


Time: 7.00-7.20pm AEST

Dates: Wednesday 1 September August 2021

Cost: This event is free or by donation.

Any questions call 02 6161 1462 or email


Wednesday, September 1, 2021 - 19:00
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Love DRU and that's why I am doing my Teacher training with them. I am truly enjoying the journey inwards so I can be a better person on the outside.

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Dru Yoga Teacher

Ayurveda Retreat

Booking myself on to the Dru Ayurvedic Weekend Retreat is one of the best spontaneous decisions I’ve made in a while. I have a reputation for leaving things until the last minute, in this case I booked my place just an hour before it began! I guess that’s one of the benefits of an online course - I didn’t have to physically get there, just make sure I was out of my PJs before the Zoom meeting went live!!! 
After a few weeks of lockdown and spending perhaps a little too much time reading and watching the news, this online retreat gave me a much needed boost of positivity. It was wonderful to connect with all the other people who were attending, to see so many smiling faces, some new and some familiar. 
The content of the course was superbly presented - a good balance of ‘live’ face to face information sharing, question and answer sessions, some ‘live’ yoga, meditation and chanting and then a series of pre recorded videos to watch. We were given plenty of short breaks throughout the day and a nice long lunch break, time to eat, read our notes, watch the videos and get outside for some fresh air.
Alongside the Zoom live video there was excellent support for anyone with technical problems, via the chat box, email or telephone. The chat was also a place to ask questions and share information.
The Dru Team did a great job of putting this weekend retreat together and I wouldn’t hesitate in joining them for another online course in the future. Obviously if I had the choice I’d prefer to be there in person, but this really is a great alternative until we can do that. 
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Photographer, Hebden Bridge
If you want to press stop, feel more gratitude, give more and open your heart to a bright and happy existence, the DYTT is a place to make a start. Be inspired, work hard and make it happen

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