DPN classes or clinics information - Dru Yoga in Porthcawl Linda Griffiths | DruYoga.com

DPN classes or clinics information - Dru Yoga in Porthcawl Linda Griffiths

Linda Griffiths
Dru Yoga and / or Meditation teacher in

I have been practicing Dru Yoga for 17 yrs and teaching for 15yrs,I had tried various yoga classes over the years but non really appealed to me then I saw a Dru class advertised near me and went along, the rest is history as they say ! I left the class with such a feeling of wellbeing ! The teacher had another class running so I went to that as well, then she dropped the bombshell that she would be moving to France, the nearest Dru class then was 1.50 hrs drive away ! So I enrolled on the teacher training course and started teaching first as a student teacher and the as a qualified teacher, I've also qualified as a Dru Meditation teacher, I love Dru Yoga and I love nothing more than passing on what I've learnt and seeing people reap the benefits as I have .
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/469008263234022/

Nottage Unitarian Chapel Hall, Ty Canol, Nottage CF36 3SY Wednesday's 7.30-9.00pm
My classes are suitable for all ages and levels of fitness, we focus on all aspects of Yoga - Asana, Pranayama, Relaxation, Meditation, affirmation, visualisation, all the different layers of our being, giving you the tools to transform your life. My class has a nice friendly atmosphere and welcomes all. We start with activations to warm up muscles and joints and get the blood flowing, to relax and have a bit of fun ! We then move on to and Energy Block Release Sequence (unique to Dru Yoga) energy gets trapped in muscles, joints and if not released can go deeper causing dis- ease (disease)
Then we move to Asana (Postures) in which we cater for all, giving modifications or alternatives where needed, we also have a number of beautiful sequences to help you transform negativity, anger, fear, doubt into positivity, breathing techniques short meditations and a lovely 15-20min relaxation,The classes are structured so that there's always something new to learn and something for everyone.


01656 719730 Mobile 07795577404


Linda Griffiths
Class Name
Dru Yoga in Porthcawl Linda Griffiths
Wednesday 7.30 - 9.00pm
Nottage, Porthcawl
CF36 3SY
01656 222747
Current Until (date)
Start date