DPN classes or clinics information - Yoga in Nottingham with Veronica Layunta Maurel | DruYoga.com

DPN classes or clinics information - Yoga in Nottingham with Veronica Layunta Maurel

Veronica Layunta-Maurel
Dru Yoga and / or Meditation teacher in Nottingham

I help clients to embrace a Yoga and Ayurveda lifestyle with ease and a sense of joy and fulfilment. I practise a practical, down-to-earth approach to help integrate a Yogi and Ayurvedic lifestyle into real, everyday life. I am also a certified MindBody Reconnect Therapist and support people suffering from CFS/ME, Fibromyalgia and Long Covid on their way to health.

My experience with yoga began 20 years ago while studying Eastern Philosophy at university, and while traveling to India, where I volunteered as a nurse at the Parvatibhai Leprosy hospital, Surat, Gujarat. Later I trained as a Dru Yoga teacher, Yoga Nidra Teacher and Ayurveda Health Coach.

Yoga has transformed my life and health. I was diagnosed with CFS/ME in 2013. After I fully recovered, I felt a strong call to share with others the gift of yoga. I am blessed to see on daily basis how Yoga touches, heals and transforms the lives of those who practise with me.

In addition to Dru yoga classes, I also teach Dru Relaxation, Meditation , Yoga Nidra, Yoga for Sleep Recovery and Insomnia, Creative Writing with Yoga, Yoga Psychology and Ayurveda nutrition and Lifestyle.

I am currently undertaking a PhD in Creative Writing where I explore the healing power of storytelling and developing new links between yoga, creativity and spiritual practices.

My teachings are rooted in the idea that we need more connection with nature and ourselves in order to live a life of purpose. With our everyday disconnection and sense of separation, I believe yoga is a journey back home.
In my classes I enjoy sharing traditional postures and sequences with a contemporary twist, combined with breathing and meditative practices, including mantra, sound, storytelling and music to create a fun, profound, transformative and uplifting experience.

For me a yoga practice should be able to take us inside ourselves, to connect us with our essence (physical, energetic, emotional, mental and spiritually).

Only when we dive into our bodies as the great gift that they are, can we anchor and create a vision that will make a difference in the world.

Dru Yoga Classes
Yoga for Sleep Recovery
Yoga Nidra
Yoga for Health
Ayurveda consultations
Health Coaching
Creative Writing and Yoga
Yoga Philosophy
Yoga Ceremonies
MindBody Reconnect Therapy for CFS/ME, Fibromyalgia and Long Covid
Yoga Retreats


Veronica Layunta-Maurel
Dru Yoga and / or Meditation teacher in Nottingham

I help clients to embrace a Yoga and Ayurveda lifestyle with ease and a sense of joy and fulfilment. I practise a practical, down-to-earth approach to help integrate a Yogi and Ayurvedic lifestyle into real, everyday life. I am also a certified MindBody Reconnect Therapist and support people suffering from CFS/ME, Fibromyalgia and Long Covid on their way to health.

My experience with yoga began 20 years ago while studying Eastern Philosophy at university, and while traveling to India, where I volunteered as a nurse at the Parvatibhai Leprosy hospital, Surat, Gujarat. Later I trained as a Dru Yoga teacher, Yoga Nidra Teacher and Ayurveda Health Coach.

Yoga has transformed my life and health. I was diagnosed with CFS/ME in 2013. After I fully recovered, I felt a strong call to share with others the gift of yoga. I am blessed to see on daily basis how Yoga touches, heals and transforms the lives of those who practise with me.

In addition to Dru yoga classes, I also teach Dru Relaxation, Meditation , Yoga Nidra, Yoga for Sleep Recovery and Insomnia, Creative Writing with Yoga, Yoga Psychology and Ayurveda nutrition and Lifestyle.

I am currently undertaking a PhD in Creative Writing where I explore the healing power of storytelling and developing new links between yoga, creativity and spiritual practices.

My teachings are rooted in the idea that we need more connection with nature and ourselves in order to live a life of purpose. With our everyday disconnection and sense of separation, I believe yoga is a journey back home.
In my classes I enjoy sharing traditional postures and sequences with a contemporary twist, combined with breathing and meditative practices, including mantra, sound, storytelling and music to create a fun, profound, transformative and uplifting experience.

For me a yoga practice should be able to take us inside ourselves, to connect us with our essence (physical, energetic, emotional, mental and spiritually).

Only when we dive into our bodies as the great gift that they are, can we anchor and create a vision that will make a difference in the world.

Dru Yoga Classes
Yoga for Sleep Recovery
Yoga Nidra
Yoga for Health
Ayurveda consultations
Health Coaching
Creative Writing and Yoga
Yoga Philosophy
Yoga Ceremonies
MindBody Reconnect Therapy for CFS/ME, Fibromyalgia and Long Covid
Yoga Retreats


Veronica Layunta Maurel
Class Name
Yoga in Nottingham with Veronica Layunta Maurel
Dru Yoga, Dru Flow, Relaxation and Meditation classes, Ayurveda, Yoga and Words
07921847932/ 07525129942
Current Until (date)
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