DPN classes or clinics information - Yoga in Uxbridge with Sabina | DruYoga.com

DPN classes or clinics information - Yoga in Uxbridge with Sabina

Sabina Furyova
Dru Yoga and / or Meditation teacher in Uxbridge

I discovered Yoga in 2012 after few years of struggling with depression and anxiety. I remember the massive difference I felt after my first Iyengar class! I was hooked. Since then I’ve tried Hatha, Vinyasa, Hot yoga, before discovering DRU in 2014… it was love at first sight. It’s so gentle, yet powerful and what I love most about it, it’s accessible to absolutely everyone. No matter what size, shape, fitness level you are or if you have an injury there is always an option to make it work for your individual needs. You don’t have to put your body into a pretzel to get the benefits of yoga!

I always loved helping people and Yoga had such a massive impact on my life that I wanted to share the love so I decided to become a teacher. I completed my Yoga Teacher training in 2017 and Meditation teacher training in 2020.

Yoga has opened up the door to other wonderful hippie things that contribute to my wellbeing. In 2018 I completed a Gong Practitioner course and in 2020 a friend introduced me to Access Consciousness Bars. A single session made such an enormous change in my life and sped up my healing so much that I decided to learn it and share it with others. And now I teach this incredible tool as well!

Access Bars continue to help me live a happy, depression free life. Even when things get tough I move through the down times much quicker than before and overcome the difficult emotions with ease.

I am excited to share these wonderful tools which have helped to transform my life so much!

Join my gentle, yet powerful classes in Uxbridge area. They are suitable for all ages and abilities.

I am also available for private and corporate classes.

View schedule at https://www.trudruyoga.co.uk/london/yoga-meditation-classes/

Email me for enquiries.


Sabina Furyova
Class Name
Yoga in Uxbridge with Sabina
Dru Yoga class in a non judgemental and very friendly environment. All ages and abilities welcome. Every Tuesday 6.30-7.30 pm
Current Until (date)
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