DPN classes or clinics information - Yoga at the Museum, Leeds | DruYoga.com

DPN classes or clinics information - Yoga at the Museum, Leeds

Lucy Bannister
Dru Yoga and / or Meditation teacher in Shipley West Yorkshire United Kingdom

I’m Lucy. Dru Yoga has helped me to not just improve my physical and mental health but to achieve things I never thought possible. It has equipped me with both resilience and radiance, and I want to share all of that with YOU!

Since my early teens, I have had a lot of problems with my health including Auto-Immune Conditions, Chronic Fatigue, Neuralgia, Fibromyalgia and Back Pain. Dru Yoga has been the most amazing gift for helping me to overcome and, even appreciate, these health challenges.

If you are a bit sceptical, a bit (or very) inflexible, unfit or live in a larger body then you might not have considered yoga. But I’m here to say that you should, and you are very welcome at my upbeat but gentle Dru Yoga classes.

This is fun, relaxing yoga that’s suitable for all body types and levels of experience, set to carefully crafted playlists – you’ll likely be warming up to Donna Summer, The Pixies or Bob Marley, or relaxing to Brian Eno, Alice Coltrane or Miles Davis.

If you like a friendly yoga class, where you get to chat to the teacher and other students, or just quietly work on your own mat without being crowded out, then my classes will suit you. I like to know the names of all my students and I plan the classes to meet the needs of the group.

I can work with you if you have a specific need – be that a health issue, a part of the body you want to work on or a mental block. And I know how hard it is to go to a yoga class for the first time so I won’t judge you if you look at me blankly because you’ve never heard of a Downward Dog. Or if you get your left and rights mixed up (I do that all the time!).

Here are just some of the lovely things people have said about my classes: -

“Gentle, relaxing, supportive and thought-provoking.”

“I love the affirmations, which work for me even though I’m very non-spiritual! I also always feel safe and comfortable coming into Lucy’s classes, despite having chronic pain.”

“The yoga was fab, really nice and relaxing and so attentive to everyone. Very good for someone like me who is a beginner!”

“Looks like Dru Yoga is the way to go; to strengthen my back, address any imbalances and get the joints moving more easily. I’m so relieved I’ve found a way forward at last!”


Lucy Bannister
Class Name
Yoga at the Museum, Leeds
Treat yourself to gentle lunchtime yoga in the stunning Broderick Hall. Upbeat yoga to help you feel stretched and at ease.
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