DPN classes or clinics information - Go Deep, Flow & Relax (various days) | DruYoga.com

DPN classes or clinics information - Go Deep, Flow & Relax (various days)

Sacred Soul Yoga Tribe
Dru Yoga and / or Meditation teacher in

My life has been enriched with yoga and all its ancient teachings and magical wisdom for many years. Not only has it touched my life on many, many levels but am grateful to be walking this path with deep reverence and love.

In 2015 I found myself enrolling on a Dru Yoga Teacher Training course based in London. - RYT 240. Over 2 and half years I walked my truth, my dharma and still continue to do so. It taught me to take one moment at a time, to be really present and to listen to my body, my intuition, the whispers from my heart and soul.

I went deep into the flow, the beauty, the softness, the stillness, the sequences and the EBR’s (energy block releases). The alchemy of yoga was so empowering and I’d walked through the beautiful fires of transformation. To further deepen my practice, in 2018 I also enrolled in prenatal yoga and offer prenatal classes too.

I truly believe that by bringing in movement, breath, visualisations, affirmations, connections and deep intentions, then that’s where magic happens. I bring all of these combinations in my classes and combine sequences with grace and flow, a spirit of playfulness and a dose of inspiration to help deepen your practice. I thrive on helping others on their journey and love to be of service. My vision & hope is that you’ll leave the mat feeling grounded, connected, refreshed, balanced and inspired.

Finally, I teach at a Montessori Nursery every week. I love teaching kids yoga with storytelling, captivating them with fun, laughter, dancing and singing all whilst doing the postures and sequences. A great way for the little ones to really enjoy the amazing benefits of yoga.

Adult classes are: (all levels welcome)

Tuesdays @ 4.30pm - Denham Memorial Hall
Wednesdays @ 7pm - My home - Limited spaces
Thursdays @ 10.30am - Denham Memorial Hall

If you would like to work with me on a 1-2-1 basis and go deeper into your practice, please get in touch! I would love to hear from you.

Connect with me on FB for more info or just drop me an email.




Pamela Rogers
Class Name
Go Deep, Flow & Relax (various days)
Flow gently with me at my beautiful weekly classes. You'll feel energised, open, centred & aligned.
Current Until (date)
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