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Sarah Dawson of Karmiyoga
Dru Yoga and / or Meditation teacher in Brighton and Hove United Kingdom

From teaching traditional Hatha Yoga in the Sivananda style between 2007-10, I was drawn to study and train to become a Dru Yoga teacher in 2010.
There’s a continual flow to my classes from start to finish, with mindful awareness of breathing linking each movement, gently working but also challenging ourselves with more advanced variations, but alway, always, respecting and honouring who we are, and what our body is capable of doing at any given time. Inner balance and serenity is achieved via asanas, movement, consciousness, meditation, mantras, affirmations – and it’s a good workout too, in a seemingly effortless way!
Sessions finish with around 15 minutes of deep relaxation, often described as the most important aspect of the session, allowing the mind, the body’s systems and organs and the spirit to rebalance and integrate the energy shifts. Throughout the session and during the relaxation I bring in positive affirmations (we’re more receptive to positive transformation when the ego is softened) because essentially, balance is our natural state, and is what our bodies want us to achieve, despite all the dramas and struggles that ego loves to focus on.
As I tread my own path my teaching style has become a synthesis of classical Hatha and Dru Yoga and I’m grateful and inspired by the many different teachers whose classes I’ve attended, within the Sivananda lineage and the Dru teachings, as well as inspirational leaders/speakers such as the Dalai Lama, Louise Hay, Gabrielle Bernstein, Eckhart Tolle, my own life experiences, and my students.

How I can help you ...

Online Soul-soothing Yoga classes, Coaching, Up-shifting Mindset programs, Energy Attunements and Blissful Yoga Holidays in Morocco and Kefalonia. Based in Brighton & Hove, on Retreat - and Online!
Visit my website: www.karmiyoga.com


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