DPN classes or clinics information - Saturday 1.30-4pm Workshop | DruYoga.com

DPN classes or clinics information - Saturday 1.30-4pm Workshop

Imogen Groves
Dru Yoga and / or Meditation teacher in East Devon and online United Kingdom

I invite you to join me as I share practices to find balance, calmness, stillness and joy. To challenge and nuture. To relax and energise. At all levels of being.
Do get in touch, it will be great to share the amazing benefits of Dru Yoga and Meditation, through classes, One to Ones and Workshops. You can also explore the opportunities of the ‘come to any weekday class in a calendar month for £50’ option. The vision is to encourage regular practice. That is where the real benefits of Yoga and Meditation lie and once students discover this I trust they will share their experience with friends, family and colleagues, and come together in classes where we can share and spread positivity and wellbeing.

I teach small classes via Zoom and face to face in Honiton on Thursday 6pm and fortnightly in Tipton St John on Mondays 7pm (and fortnightly via Zoom)
I also teach One to Ones and Weekend workshops - both face to face and via Zoom.


07530 060067


Imogen Groves
Class Name
Saturday 1.30-4pm Workshop
Workshops, in person or via Zoom please do get in touch for details
online via Zoom
via Zoom
07530060067 01404 815276
Current Until (date)
Start date