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The Flame that Transforms

Savitri MacCuish, Mansukh Patel & Andrew Wells

With a foreword by Mark Victor Hansen (author of 'Chicken Soup for the Soul') this book is an exciting read—telling the inspiring history of the creation of the World Peace Flame as well as over 60 Empowering Stories of Hope, Courage and Inspiration.

Freedom of the Bhagavad Gita (pocket size)

Mansukh Patel

This lightweight, pocket sized hardbound Gita is your perfect hand-bag or office-desk companion. It brings you the Gita's verses and a profoundly insightful chapter summary that makes the Gita's wisdom leap into life in our modern world.

The Healing Power of Mindfulness

A New Way of Being
Jon Kabat-Zinn 

The Mindfulness Workbook

Martha Langley

Mindfulness has its roots in ancient Buddhist practice, but it is a hugely relevant and
contemporary tool to deal with the pressures of the modern world and become a

THE PATH OF PRACTICE One woman’s path to health

Bri Maya Tiwari

One woman’s path to health

Tongue Scraper, copper

Made from 100% pure copper.
Tongue scraping promotes good oral and digestive health as well as removing bacteria and toxins responsible for periodontal problems.

stainless steel tongue scraper
Traya's Quest

Paulette Agnew

World Peace Flame candle in tin
Blue yoga brick
