Feel Great Look Radiant - class 1 | DruYoga.com

Feel Great Look Radiant - class 1

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Feel Great Look Radiant - class 1

 -   & 
Dru Team
48 mins

In this dynamic class with Coby and Krishna, explore the full benefits of a strong Dru Yoga class.

Feel Great Look Radiant - activation Activation (7 mins)
This activation is a perfect foundation for this class.  Loosen and warm up your muscles, breathe deep as you bring more oxygen into the system and enjoy powerful movements to prepare your body for the postures and sequence later in the class.
Feel Great Look Radiant - EBR1

EBR 1 (9 mins)
Energy Block Release 1 (EBR1) is the perfect way to loosen up and stretch the whole body from top to toe! Gently encourage your muscles to lengthen with each repetition. Practicing this sequence regularly can help you feel flexible, strong and ready for your posture to work.

Feel Great Look Radiant - body preps

Body Preps (14 mins)
The 5 body preps of this class will gently stretch out your pectoral, triceps and rhomboid muscles before gently lengthening the iliopsoas and adductor muscles.  Good muscle length will assist you moving into the postures easily and enable you to enjoy the class more fully.

Feel Great Look Radiant - sitting twist

Sitting Twist (4 mins)
The Sitting Twist (or Ardha Matsyendrasana) is an excellent posture to help detox the colon and mobilise the spine.  It also stimulates the liver and kidneys, activates the digestive fire and increases the appetite - definitely one to do before you eat!

Feel Great Look Radiant - inner fire sequence

Inner Fire Sequence (5 mins)
This simple but powerful Dru Yoga sequence joins together the Bhima Posture (strong side bend), the Rotated Triangle and the Warrior Posture. Combined, these three postures create a powerful stimulation to the digestive system, strengthens the legs and back muscles as well as creating a feeling of inner strength and passion for life. This sequence is excellent whenever you need a boost physically or emotionally. Quite literally it helps you to feel great and look radiant!

Feel Great Look Radiant - warrior 3

Warrior 3 (4 mins)
A strong posture to complete this class. Strengthen your thighs and core and tone your gluteals and back muscles. A balance posture, this warrior 3 helps to focus your mind giving you a strong sense of purpose and determination.

Feel Great Look Radiant - relaxation

Relaxation (6 mins)
This short relaxation will help you to chill out after such an active class. Do feel free to relax for longer, or even better, why not do a meditation to calm and focus your mind.

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Members' comments:

9 Nov, 2021
JuliaS's picture
Great class. Body preps challenge. Need to do more of these for sure.
17 Aug, 2021
Rachel Hammond's picture
Rachel Hammond
I really enjoyed this class. I would prefer softer music in the background, or none at all. Thank you.
25 Nov, 2020
hanemaaijer8@hotmail.com's picture
Is it possible to release this beautifull class with a much softer kind of music? I would love to do this class more often, but I can not get to any kind of relaxation feeling with such a strong and loud beat. Maybe it is an idea to make two (or more) variations, so we can choose what kind of background sounds fit best for our mood that day? Hopefully that is not a lot of work and would give us much joy!
26 Nov, 2020
Padma McIntyre's picture
Padma McIntyre
Hello Ada Many thanks for your feedback. I will contact our online team to see if this could be done.
8 Nov, 2020
Corine's picture
Feels great, thank you!
8 Feb, 2019
Janemorris101's picture
Sorry, I meant to also say that otherwise this class was great :-)
8 Feb, 2019
Janemorris101's picture
I have to say I really agree with Matts’s comments about the mirroring and the voice. I did my best to ignore the voice but the ‘relaxation’ was almost laughable with the voice AND the music!
15 Jan, 2018
Anouschka-DruTeam's picture
Hiya Mat, Thanks for your reflections on this class. As you can see we've many styles of class on the studio as we've found some people love shorter, clearer instructions that allows you to explore your own poses, and others love the language and depth that guides you through the process. I know there's many classes you'll love on the studio with a different style of voice. Some times I even turn off the sound completely and watch the class with my own music rather than follow the guided instructions - maybe that could work for you too?
2 Jan, 2018
matt@mattb.org's picture
This class would be great if not for a couple of things: The instructors voice is bland and boring with no feeling The demonstrators are not mirroring as Annie does and it gets confusing when listening and watching
26 Dec, 2016
JuliaS's picture
Love this class thanku Coby.


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