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Test of CK Editor tests

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Test of CK Editor tests

Energy Block Release Sequences

Just as a house needs electricity to power all its appliances, so the body requires a constant supply of prana, or energy, to enable the organs to function well. Energy flows freely through the body when our lives are harmonious and we express ourselves easily.https://druyoga.com/node/957/edithttps://druyoga.com/node/957/edit.

Just as a house needs electricity to power all its appliances, so the body requires a constant supply of prana, or energy, to enable the organs to function well. Energy flows freely through the body when our lives are harmonious and we express ourselves easily.https://druyoga.com/node/957/edithttps://druyoga.com/node/957/edit.


Just as a house needs electricity to power all its appliances, so the body requires a constant supply of prana, or energy, to enable the organs to function well. Energy flows freely through the body when our lives are harmonious and we express ourselves easily.https://druyoga.com/node/957/edithttps://druyoga.com/node/957/edit.

Just as a house needs electricity to power all its appliances, so the body requires a constant supply of prana, or energy, to enable the organs to function well. Energy flows freely through the body when our lives are harmonious and we express ourselves easily.https://druyoga.com/node/957/edithttps://druyoga.com/node/957/edit.

Kathy Hutchings Warrior on Kit Hill in Cornwall

Replace this text with your caption. The first line will be grey. If you make a second paragraph it will be small and orange text...

Just as life shines with the lustre of tejas, so a morning draped in dew is bathed in the light of the sun. And in the center of every drop of light that clings to the blades of grass, shines on the edges of every leaf, we find a reflection of all that is. There, you will find the presence of God. And may you be blessed on your quest!


Just as a house needs electricity to power all its appliances, so the body requires a constant supply of prana, or energy, to enable the organs to function well. Energy flows freely through the body when our lives are harmonious and we express ourselves easily.

A great  Call to Action...

The text of and more  call to action...

https://druyoga.com/node/957/edithttps://druyoga.com/node/957/editJust as a house needs electricity to power all its appliances, so the body requires a constant supply of prana, or energy, to enable the organs to function well. Energy flows freely through the body when our lives are harmonious and we express ourselves easily.https://druyoga.com/node/957/edithttps://druyoga.com/node/957/edit

Wild flowers

So this is my first line and now I'll hit return button

and this is my second line

Just as a house needs electricity to power all its appliances, so the body requires a constant supply of prana, or energy, to enable the organs to function well. Energy flows freely through the body when our lives are harmonious and we express ourselves easily.https://druyoga.com/node/957/edithttps://druyoga.com/node/957/edit






Elephant text goes here ... saying brilliant things"

Normal body text goes here, or leave blank...


avatar butterfly on clover



Testimonial about EBRs

Causes of energy blocks

  • inadequate exercise
  • poor posture
  • stiff muscles and joints
  • negative and inflexible patterns of thoughts and behaviour
  • unexpressed thoughts and emotions


Loads more text added for testing of the video embed.

And some more text...




Energy Block Release sequences are powerful, effective and graceful


What happens to blocked energy? 

Blocked energy lodges itself first in our joints. If it isn’t released, it goes deeper and settles in the muscles and from there into the internal organs. Unless discharged it will eventually create an environment in which disease can develop.

Releasing trapped energy

Dru Yoga EBR sequences are carefully designed movement programmes that work systematically through the body to release tension and clear energy blockages. The freed energy is then available to be used to heal the body and empower the mind. 

clear energy blockages

Dru Yoga EBR sequences are carefully designed movement programmes that work systematically through the body to release tension and clear energy blockages. The freed energy is then available to be used to heal the body and empower the mind. Dru Yoga EBR sequences are carefully designed movement programmes that work systematically through the body to release tension and clear energy blockages.

clear energy blockages

avatar flowers

Anne test

did the rest

I think this is great and will do lots more.

The freed energy is then available to be used to heal the body and empower the mind. Dru Yoga EBR sequences are carefully designed movement programmes that work systematically through the body to release tension and clear energy blockages. The freed energy is then available to be used to heal the body and empower the mind. 

clear energy blockages

clear energy blockages

clear energy blockages