Claire Phillipson |


Claire Phillipson

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The decision to join the Spirituality of Yoga course came to me unexpectedly and after some hesitation. I'm so thankful that I did!
The practices have affected me, some very deeply, in a way that feels more certain and deep than anything else I've done; awakening new awareness but also drawing me back to long held understandings that had slipped from my life.  Most of all, at this time in my life, in the world, it has helped to experience deep stillness and steadiness, with a renewed compassion for my self as well as others.
On a practical level, the online course fits in easily with daily life, with a balance of learning, practice and space to absorb one thing before moving on.  The videos are all there to go over as many times as needed - and also to return to the energy of the live sessions.
The support throughout is amazing, steady, generous and infused with love, joy and a lot of laughter!  It's been wonderful to feel closer to our amazing tutors and the wider community on the course. I know this is another step in a lifelong process and I'm looking forward to the next stage of the journey....Thank you Dru!x

Occupation/job title/organisation, region: 
Dru Yoga Teacher, Derbyshire
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