Live Class: Celebrating Movement |



Live Class: Celebrating Movement

6 October, 2023
(Registration open till October 2023)

A very dear member of our team recently had a hip operation that had complications which left her fighting for her life.

The first message she had for the world once she awoke was, ‘move your body in a loving way every day because you never know when it won’t work anymore.’ 

This monthly class is about celebrating our ability to move, doing it joyously and together; thanking our bodies that serve us everyday and allow us to experience life on this magical planet. 

Much too frequently we can be self-critical, for many reasons. Perhaps that our body doesn’t bend the way someone else’s does. Or isn’t as strong as that person’s. Or that it gets tired easily. In these classes you are invited to see life through Monica’s eyes, to move your body like you were moving it for the first time, and to love it deeply.

Prices and Booking

You have a choice of prices...

Option 1 £10: if you are blessed with abundance, thank you
Option 2 £9: much appreciated, thank you
Option 3 £8: this is great, thank you
Option 4 £7: if this is what you can manage, no worries, thank you

Time 8.00am - 9.15am

Each of these sessions accrue 1 CPD point for DPN members.



Friday, October 6, 2023 - 08:00
Nikki Martin Dru Yoga teacher training student
Nurse, Ponsonooth, Cornwall

The workshop set me up for  the next week/month!

Testimonial default avatar image
(19), Warrington
When I came along to a Youth course at Dru I didn’t really know what to expect as I had no prior experience with any yoga. But it was a really enjoyable experience and I’m glad I made the decision to go.
The people on the course were all really nice, and I’m friends with everyone I’ve met through the retreats.
Also, the food is really incredible, you will love it.
I’ve always had really tense back and shoulder muscles, resulting in poor posture and poor shoulder flexibility. Even though at first difficult if you stick with it you will eventually see results, as I have.
If you’re considering coming to a Dru Youth retreat I would recommend it, and I found it to be really worhwhile
avatar calm sky and sea

On the 5 day spirituality challenge leading up to this course, I realised I did not love myself. Since starting on the Spirituality of Yoga course and working with the practices, I have experienced a deep cellular healing, a shifting in my emotions, deepening into a sense of peace and quiet control/flow of life.

I have had so many realisations on this course; one in particular was a feeling of falling in love with my practice...and wondering if this could lead to an unconditional love commitment to myself to uphold a deeper consistent practice?....

Another insight was a deep self acceptance of where I am at now, giving myself permission to listen to my inner promptings and act on them; rather than see myself as failing when I don't meet my rigid expectations. A bit of freedom..

This course is a must for any spiritual seeker who is looking to deeply anchor and regularly maintain their spiritual practice. You will never look back as you create your own spiritual unfoldment and community to support and carry you forwards. I so look forward to our continuing journey. Thank you to all our Tutors for their sincere, joyful and ongoing commitment to helping us achieve spiritual greatness.

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